(A)   Height limitation. The maximum height of any sign shall be as stated herein, but in no case shall a sign exceed 40 feet in height. An exception is city electronic signs which may be up to 50 feet in height in commercial and industrial zoning districts.
   (B)   Rotating, moving, flashing, changing or blinking signs. No sign shall have or consist of any moving, rotating or otherwise animated part or any flashing, blinking, fluctuating or otherwise animated light. The provisions of this division shall not be applied so as to prohibit the following types of signs:
      (1)   A sign showing time separately and which changes no more often than once every ten seconds or a conventional clock face.
      (2)   A sign showing temperature separately and which changes only when the temperature rises or falls one degree or more.
      (3)   A sign showing time and temperature alternately and which changes no more often than once every ten seconds.
      (4)   An on-premises barber pole of a length not to exceed 30 inches of traditional design which shall be permitted to revolve during the time that a barber shop is open for business. The sign shall not exceed ten feet in height.
   (C)   Projections. All signs, if otherwise authorized, are permitted to project into required front, side and rear yard. The permitted projecting of an authorized sign into any street or alley right-of-way is as follows:
      (1)   Freestanding sign: No projection.
      (2)   Wall sign: Up to 14 inches in thickness.
      (3)   Marquee sign: No closer than two feet from the face of the curb.
      (4)   Projecting sign: Up to six feet into any street right-of-way and up to four feet into any alley right-of-way, but not closer than two feet from the face of the curb.
      (5)   Bus bench sign: Entirely within street right-of-way.
      (6)   City electronic sign: No restrictions.
   (D)   Vertical and horizontal clearance. No sign shall be less than eight feet above a public or private sidewalk or 16 feet above ground level in areas open to vehicular traffic except wall signs not exceeding three inches in thickness.
      (1)   Signs shall not be erected within the triangle created by the lines connecting:
         (a)   The point of intersection of front and side property lines extended into the intersection of two streets or other public right-of-way abutting the property lines; and
         (b)   The points on such front and side property lines 40 feet distant from the point of intersection, when the erection of other privately owned buildings and structures is prohibited therein.
      (2)   No permit for any sign shall be issued and no sign shall be constructed or maintained which has less horizontal or vertical clearance from communication lines and energized electrical power lines than that prescribed by the laws of the state or rules and regulations duly promulgated by agencies thereof.
   (E)   Obstructions to doors, windows or fire escapes. No sign shall be erected, relocated or maintained so as to prevent free ingress to or egress from any door, window, fire escape or exit way.
   (F)   Construction standards. All signs, including all parts, portions, units, and material comprising the same together with the frames, backgrounds, supports and anchorage therefor shall be manufactured, fabricated, assembled, constructed and erected in accordance with applicable Building, Electrical and Fire Prevention and Sign Codes of the city.
   (G)   Illuminated signs. Any illuminated sign or lighting device shall employ only lights emitting a light of constant intensity, and no sign shall be illuminated by or contain flashing, intermittent, rotating or moving light or lights. In no event shall an illuminated sign or lighting device be so placed or directed so as to permit the beams and illumination therefrom to be directed or beamed upon a public street, highway, sidewalk or adjacent premises so as to cause glare or reflection that may constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance.
   (H)   Signs not to constitute vehicular traffic hazard. No sign as regulated in this chapter shall be erected at the intersection of any street, or at any railroad grade crossing, or at any driveway in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision of operations of motor vehicles or at any location where, by reason of the position, shape or color, it may interfere with, obstruct the view of or be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device; or which makes use of the words “STOP,” “DANGER,” or any other word, phrase, symbol, or character in such manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic.
   (I)   Temporary signs for special events. Temporary signs, in excess of the maximum permissible sign area, may be erected as participation in a public parade, public event or public celebration for a period not to exceed 30 days, provided, however, that the erection of such signs shall be approved by the City Manager as to location, safety and period of display. Temporary cloth signs and rigid signs shall be allowed as regulated in this division and as described in chapter 14 of the Uniform Sign Code except that rigid signs shall be limited to a sign area of 32 square feet and may be displayed for no longer than 30 days.
   (J)   Bench signs. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, install or maintain any bench sign, except on public property in a location approved by the City Manager. Such benches shall only be placed as necessary to serve existing public transit needs and shall require an encroachment permit.
   (K)   Wall signs, additional standards. No wall sign shall exceed 14 inches in thickness; no display or messages shall be permitted on the edges of wall signs except the sign company's identification as required by § 153.282(G).
(Ord. 86-06, passed 4-14-86)
   (L)   Ridgeline limitation. A wall, canopy, marquee, or projecting sign shall not project above the ridge line of the building on which the sign is mounted.
(Ord. 90-01, passed 1-22-90)
   (M)   Building outlining. Outlining of a building or its roof by means of permanent lighting by exposed neon tubing, exposing incandescent lighting or other artificial lighting, or an equivalent effect, is prohibited. Outlining means delineation, with a row or band of lights of the edges of a roof or wall surface. This provision does not prohibit floodlighting or generally illuminating buildings and their roofs for temporary Christmas displays.
   (N)   No signs on street trees, utility poles or structures in street right-of-way. No signs shall be attached to any street tree, or any poles such as utility poles, street signals, street lights, street name signs or traffic warning signs, or on any bus shelter.
(`67 Code, § 10-19-5) (Am. Ord. 2020-001, passed 1-28-20)