(A)   Airport landing field.
(Ord. 87-11, passed 7-27-87)
   (B)   Battery rebuilding, plastic processing, poultry and rabbit processing, rubber processing, and slaughtering.
(Ord. 88-14, passed 11-28-88)
   (C)   Amusement park, carnival, circus, fairgrounds, open-air church, open-air theater, and race track and recreation centers.
   (D)   Borrow pit to a depth of more than three feet.
   (E)   Ceramic products, manufacture of, using previously pulverized clay and kilns fired only by electricity or low pressure gas.
   (F)   Cleaning (including carpet) and dyeing plant.
   (G)   Draying, freighting and storage when provided with a lock box system so emergency personnel have access to information regarding materials currently stored on the property.
   (H)   Dump, refuse disposal, and sewage disposal plant.
   (I)   Feed and fuel (solid) yard.
   (J)   Manufacture of cameras and photographic equipment, drugs, ice, perfumes, pharmaceutical, toilet soap and toiletries.
   (K)   Natural mineral resources, the development of, or exploration for, together with the necessary buildings, apparatus, or appurtenances incidental thereto.
   (L)   One dwelling unit if the following requirements are met:
      (1)   The dwelling unit shall be clearly secondary to the commercial use of the property.
      (2)   There are no other residences on the property.
      (3)   The dwelling unit shall not be rented or leased independent of the principal use to which it is necessary.
      (4)   The exterior of any residential unit shall be compatible with the commercial building(s) on the property.
      (5)   The permit shall be reviewed annually to ensure continued compliance with the provisions of this title.
      (6)   A finding shall be made that other feasible security measures have been tried and that there is a demonstrated need for additional security.
   (M)   Service stations.
   (N)   Tire recapping, rebuilding, retreading.
   (O)   Warehouse, wholesale building.
(Ord. 87-11, passed 7-27-87)
   (P)   Automobile repair, body work, and steam cleaning subject to the following restrictions:
      (1)   All work shall be conducted within the building.
      (2)   The area required to meet the off-street parking requirements of § 153.184(C) shall not be used to store cars for more than 24 hours.
      (3)   All cars to be stored for more than 24 hours shall be stored within the building or in a storage area that is surrounded by a six-foot high solid fence.
(Ord. 88-14, passed 11-28-88)
   (Q)   Food processing not otherwise listed.
(Ord. 89-02, passed 5-22-89)
(`67 Code, § 10-9-3)