(A)   All attached single-family and multi-family residential uses, including duplexes, apartments, condominiums, townhouses, and live-work units provided that the living units are located above the ground floor of a commercial uses or adjacent to commercial on the same property.
   (B)   Detached residential uses with a minimum net density of eight units per acre, including single family homes, caretaker units, and manufactured homes.
   (C)   Attached Higher Density Residential in a vertical and/or horizontal mixed use setting of 16 or more dwelling units per net acre. This residential use must be above (on upper stories of buildings) or adjacent to commercial operations on the same property.
   (D)   Office uses including administrative, professional, creative, telecommunications, flex, research, and similar office uses that are primarily worker-occupied.
   (E)   (1)   Retail sales of goods that can generally be carried out by the customer including food and specialty foods, open air markets, small household goods, pharmaceuticals and sundries, apparel, art and supplies, antiques, furniture, appliances, electronics, books, flowers, hardware, toys, bicycles and sporting goods, music, and similar goods.
      (2)   Sales of alcoholic beverages require a conditional use permit in accordance with § 153.361.
   (F)   Service uses including personal and business services with walk-in customer service, such as beauty parlors, spas, cleaners, repair services, banks, travel or real estate agents, medical clinics, child or adult care, photocopiers, mailing services, Laundromats, and similar uses. Rental uses of items such as party supplies, wedding apparel or tuxedos are allowed as services uses.
   (G)   (1)   General commercial uses including entertainment uses including bars, full service restaurants, quick service restaurants (not drive through fast food), dance and exercise studios, gyms, sports facilities, game arcades, and similar uses.
      (2)   Sales of alcoholic beverages require a conditional use permit in accordance with § 153.361.
   (H)   (1)   Civic uses including government offices and services, libraries, community centers, conference facilities, and similar uses.
      (2)   Public infrastructure including support uses include water, storm water, sewer, and utility infrastructure, streets, sidewalks, bicycle paths, parking garages, transit stops, parks, plazas, streetscape improvements, and other public facilities.
   (I)   Institutional uses including colleges, trade schools, places of worship, museums, and similar uses.
   (J)   Tiny house villages, as defined in § 153.003 and as allowed in § 153.170 through 153.177.
(Ord. 2014-006, passed 7-8-14; Am. Ord. 2023-003, passed 1-24-23)