§ 152.027 ALLEYS.
   (A)   Alleys shall be prohibited in residential subdivisions except when approved or required by the City Council for any one of the following reasons:
      (1)   To widen an existing part-width alley which has been dedicated and approved in an adjacent subdivision;
      (2)   To complete the continuity of existing alleys where the property to be subdivided is located adjacent to existing blocks containing alleys;
      (3)   The special nature of the design or density of a residential subdivision where dwellings are to be grouped in such a manner as to require access from other than street frontage;
      (4)   The relationship to existing or proposed adjacent commercial, industrial, or high density residential development, or adjacent railroad, canal rights-of-way or other physical barrier;
      (5)   The unusual size, shape or topographical character of the property to be subdivided.
   (B)   Alleys shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width.
   (C)   Where two alleys intersect, ten-foot corner cut-offs measured along the property lines from the point of intersection will be required.
   (D)   Alleys shall be so laid out and aligned as to provide reasonable access for utilities and other services.
   (E)   Alleys shall be improved in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications.
(`67 Code, § 11-3-3)