(A)   Any permit applicant, if of the opinion that any decision, determination, or requirement of the Building Inspector, City Engineer, or Director of Public Works is an improper application of this subchapter or not legally justified, may appeal to the City Council.
   (B)   All appeals taken under this section must be taken within 30 days after the decision, determination, or statement of requirement by filing with the office of the City Clerk a written notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The City Clerk shall notify the city official involved of the filing of such appeal, and the official shall forthwith transmit to the City Clerk all the papers constituting the file and records upon which the action appealed from was taken.
   (C)   The City Clerk, upon the filing of such appeal, shall place the matter upon the agenda for the next regular meeting of the City Council occurring not earlier than five days after the filing of appeal, and shall notify the appealing permit applicant by letter of the meeting date and place at which the appeal will be heard. The decision of the City Council upon the appeal shall be final.
(`67 Code, § 5-6-5) (Ord. 80-4, passed 4-14-80)