For the purposes of this subchapter, and resolutions adopted thereto, certain words shall have the following meanings;
   BUILDING. Any new structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy, including those moved into the city limits; but not including any outdoor tanks, towers, carports, or other similar structures.
   CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. The adopted schedule of all future projects listed in order of construction priority together with cost estimates and the anticipated means of financing each project. Included are all major projects requiring the expenditure of public funds, over and above the city operating expenses, for the purchase, construction, or replacement of physical assets for the City of Riverbank.
   CHURCH. Structures primarily designed as a place for public worship.
   CITY ENGINEER. Persons employed or contracted by the city to perform professional engineering work and/or administration and consulting work in the design, investigation, and construction of street, utility, ground water and wastewater treatment systems, and other public works projects; to prepare plans and specifications; and to act as a project manager on assigned projects.
   COMMERCIAL. Those uses designated as permitted or conditional uses in the SP, CX-1, C-1, C-2 and CM Zoning Districts of Chapter 153 except where such uses involve the manufacture or assembly of a product or warehousing.
   CONSTRUCTION COST. The direct costs for labor, material, equipment, and services; and other direct costs for the on-site erection, fabrication, installation, alteration, demolition, or removal of any facility or addition thereto, including all related activities, but not restricted to, clearing of land, earth moving and landscaping. Construction cost does not include the compensation paid to the architect and engineer and consultants, the cost of the land, rights-of-way or other costs.
   DAY CARE CENTER. Structures (other than a family day care center) in which persons not of the immediate family are provided with care for compensation for a portion of the day not exceeding 12 hours in any 24-hour period.
   GOVERNMENT COST. Includes all direct and indirect costs to any part of the City of Riverbank for the administration the System Development Fee Program. These costs include, but are not limited to, an appropriate share of: physical overhead, indirect costs including material and supply costs, utilities, insurance, travel, rents, buildings, equipment, management, supervision, enforcement, collection, research, establishment of standards, and regulation, including any required environmental impact assessments necessary to support the construction of SDF Program projects. Government Cost shall be determined or estimated from the best available records of the City of Riverbank, and new cost accounting systems need not be established solely for this purpose.
   HOSPITAL. An institution where the ill or injured may receive medical, surgical, or psychiatric treatment, nursing care, food and lodging, and the like.
   INDUSTRIAL. Those uses designated as permitted or conditional uses in the SP, CM, M-l, and M-2 Zoning Districts of Chapter 153, excluding all those uses which are permitted in any of the other zones as set forth in Chapter 153 excepting warehouses.
   MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING. A residential dwelling unit that cannot be sold individually (for example, must be sold with at least one other dwelling unit on a single parcel of land).
   PRIVATE SCHOOL. Includes those uses other than public uses offering educational services and/or vocational training to students aged five years or older but excluding child care facilities.
   RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME. Structures designed for use as a convalescent hospital, or a retirement home, or a 24-hour care center for seven or more persons in addition to members of the family.
   RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT. One or more rooms in a dwelling designed for occupancy by one family for living or sleeping purposes, and having only one kitchen.
   SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING. A residential dwelling unit that may be sold individually.
   SOFT COST. These costs are related to those items in a project that are necessary to prepare and complete the non-construction needs of the project. Soft costs include such items as architecture, design, engineering, permits, inspections, consultants, environmental studies, financing, interest payments, and regulatory demands needing approval before construction begins. Soft costs do not include construction, telecommunications, furnishings, fixed equipment, and expenditures or any other permanent components of the project.
      (1)   Any building structure or other improvement constructed or renovated by the city upon property owned by or under its control; or
      (2)   Any physical asset, including initial equipment or piece of equipment, facility constructed or purchased, or land acquired necessary to deliver public services for new growth or new development.
   SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE. The fee charged for a change in use, new construction, including the expansion of and/or the addition to an existing, nonresidential structure, to mitigate the unfunded portion of the determined impact of the development.
('67 Code, § 5-17-3) (Ord. 2015-016, passed 10-27-15)