(A)   Whenever it appears to the Sheriff's Commanding Officer or his authorized representative that a permittee is conducting a bingo game in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, he shall have the authority to summarily suspend the permit and any further operation of any bingo game.
   (B)   The suspension order issued under division (A) of this section shall also constitute notice of proposed revocation. The permittee shall be notified that it shall have ten days from the date of such order to request in writing a hearing before the Sheriff's Commanding Officer to determine whether the permit should be revoked. If the permittee fails to request in writing such hearing before the Sheriff's Commanding Officer within the period, the Sheriff's Commanding Officer may revoke the permit.
   (C)   In situations other than a summary suspension, if it appears to the Sheriff's Commanding Officer that any permittee is conducting bingo games in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, or that a permit was obtained by misrepresentation, the permit may be revoked. Written notice of such proposed revocation shall be given by depositing in the United States mail a notice directed to the permittee at the address given in the application. The notice shall set forth the reasons for the proposed revocation, and shall notify the permittee that it has ten days in which to file a written request for a hearing before the Sheriff's Commanding Officer.
   (D)   In case of a summary suspension or notice of revocation, the Sheriff's Commanding Officer shall provide a hearing within 15 days after receipt of a written request from the permittee at which hearing the permittee may present oral or written evidence why the permit should not be revoked. Notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be given to the permittee by depositing it in the United States mail at least ten days before the hearing to the address given in the application.
   (E)   If the permit is revoked, written notice shall be given the permittee within 25 days of the close of the hearing. Notice of revocation shall be given by United States mail. The permittee will be presumed to have received the notice within five days after mailing. It shall be unlawful for any organization whose permit is revoked under this section to conduct any bingo game in the city unless the City Council, on appeal, reinstates the permit.
   (F)   Any person who conducts a bingo game after summary suspension of a permit or after revocation of a permit is guilty of a misdemeanor.
   (G)   Any organization whose permit is revoked may not apply for a permit to conduct bingo games in the city for a period of one year from the date of such revocation, provided, however, that if the ground for revocation is cancellation of the exemption granted under the Revenue and Taxation Code, such organization may again reapply for a license upon proof of reinstatement of the exemption.
(`67 Code, § 6-9-11)
   (H)   Any holder of a permit whose license is revoked under this chapter shall have the right, after receiving notice in writing of the revocation, to file a written appeal to the City Council.
(`67 Code, § 6-9-12)
(Ord. 93-03, passed 9-13-93)