(A)   The Street Commissioner shall when authorized by resolution of the Council mark loading zones.
   (B)   Permission herein granted to stop or stand a vehicle for purposes of loading or unloading of materials shall apply only to commercial vehicles and shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor, and in no event for more than 30 minutes.
   (C)   The loading or unloading of materials shall apply only to commercial deliveries, also the delivery or pickup of express and parcel post packages and United States mail.
   (D)   Within the total time limits above specified the provisions of this section shall be enforced so as to accommodate necessary and reasonable loading or unloading but without permitting abuse of the privileges hereby granted.
(`67 Code, § 9-2-9)
   (E)   When authorized signs or marks are in place giving notice thereof no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle for any purpose other than loading or unloading materials for such time as is permitted herein, in any of the following places: In any yellow loading zone.
(`67 Code, § 9-2-11)
(Ord. 41, passed 5-21-37)