For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
   APPLICANT. An individual or agency applying for utility service.
   COMMERCIAL SERVICE. Provision of water to premises where the customer is engaged in trade.
   CROSS-CONNECTION. When used herein, all applicable sections of the City Code shall apply.
   CUSTOMER, CONSUMER. An individual or agency of record receiving utility service from the utility.
   DEVELOPER. A person or corporation requesting water service from the city regardless of the number of services.
   DEVELOPMENT. The improving of developed and/or undeveloped land to more fully use the available land and/or structures. A development may be a subdivision.
   DOMESTIC SERVICE. Provisions of water for household residential purposes, including water for sprinkling lawns, gardens and shrubbery, watering livestock, washing vehicles and other similar and customary purposes.
   DROUGHT. A drought or water shortage as defined in the Urban Water Management Plan or as otherwise designated by federal, state, or local government.
   EMPLOYEE. Any person designated by the City Manager or the Director of Public Works to perform work and labor for the utility department, excluding contractors and their employees.
   ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. The City Manager, Department Director, Public Safety Officer, or any designated city personnel or other designated person that the City Manager or City Council has authorized and charged with the responsibility for the enforcement of any provision of this chapter.
   FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE. Provision of water to premises for automatic fire protection.
   FLAT RATE. A fixed periodic charge for an unmetered service.
   FLAT RATE SERVICE. Provision of water in unmeasured quantities.
   IDLER. That piece of pipe used to conduct water in place of a meter in flat rate service.
   INDUSTRIAL SERVICE. Provision of water to a customer for use in manufacturing, processing activities, or other uses as described in the Zoning Ordinance.
   IRRIGATION SERVICE. Provision of water for commercial, agricultural, floricultural or horticultural use.
   MAINS. Distribution pipelines located in streets, highways, public ways, or public utility easements which are used to serve the general public.
   METER. The device used to measure water consumption, such as, water meter.
   METER RATE SERVICE. Provision of water in measured quantities.
   MUNICIPAL or PUBLIC USE. Provision of water to a municipality or other public body.
   PRE-METERED WATER USAGE. Use of city water prior to city water meters being installed by the property owner.
   RENTABLE UNIT. A rentable unit is any building or portion thereof that can be used as a completely independent unit.
   SERVICE CONNECTIONS. The pipe, valves, and other facilities by which means the utility conducts water from its distribution mains to and through the meter; or, to the curb-stop or shut-off valve on an unmetered service connection.
   SENIOR CITIZEN. All persons who have reached the age of 65 years and classed as “head of household” and who earn not over $7,000 annually.
   SUBDIVIDER. A person, firm, corporation, partnership, or association who proposes to divide, divides, or causes to be divided real property into a subdivision for himself or for others, except that employees and consultants of such persons or entities acting in such capacity are not “subdividers”.
   SUBDIVISION. The division, by any subdivider, of any unit or units of improved or unimproved land, or any portion thereof, shown on the latest equalized county assessment roll as a parcel or as contiguous parcels.
   TEMPORARY SERVICE. A service for circuses, bazaars, fairs, construction work, irrigation of vacant property, and similar uses, that because of their nature will not be used steadily or permanently.
   UTILITY. The public utility or publicly owned utility named herein.
   UTILITY SERVICE. Includes water and/or sewer and/or refuse service.
   WATER WASTING. The use of water in such a manner that excess water is used and not effectively utilized for the lawfully intended purpose. Water wasting includes, but is not limited to the following:
      (1)   Watering lawns or gardens such that excess water leaves property or area being watered.
      (2)   Washing vehicles, equipment or boats in driveways or streets using open hose.
      (3)   Having leaky faucets or plumbing fixtures on premises.
(`67 Code, § 4-6-1) (Am. Ord. 2000-09, passed 12-11-00; Am. Ord. 2016-004, passed 3-8-16)