(a) A special permit shall be required from Village Council to operate or establish a dog kennel consisting of three or more dogs. The cost of the permit shall be $100.
(b) It shall be understood a license must also be obtained from the County Dog Warden.
(c) Each dog housed outside shall have a separate house and separate wire cage with the minimum dimension of three feet wide, six feet high and eight feet long.
(d) To receive a permit, the property owner and/or person of persons in charge of said dogs must present to the Village Council written permission for the kennel from all neighbors within 500 feet of said property in all directions.
(e) The property owner and/or person or persons in charge of said dogs shall be responsible for keeping the kennel in a clean and sanitary fashion.
(f) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor of a first offense; on each subsequent offense such person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(g) This permit shall expire with the moving or death of the property owner and/or person or persons in charge of said dogs/kennel.
(Ord. 852, passed - -2016)