(a)   Council may adopt standard ordinances and codes, prepared and promulgated by the state, or any department, board or other agency thereof, or any code prepared and promulgated by a public or private organization which publishes a model or standard code, including but not limited to codes and regulations pertaining to fire, fire hazards, fire prevention, plumbing, electricity, buildings, refrigeration machinery, piping, boilers, heating or air conditioning, by incorporation by reference.
   (b)   The publication required by §§ 222.05 through 222.10 shall clearly identify the code, shall state the purpose of the code, shall state that a complete copy of the code is on file with the Fiscal Officer for inspection by the public and also on file in the County Law Library and that the Fiscal Officer has copies available for distribution to the public at cost. If Council amends or deletes any provision of the code, the publication shall contain a brief summary of the deletion or amendment.
   (c)   If the agency which originally promulgated or published the code thereafter amends the code, Council may adopt the amendment or change by incorporation by reference in an amending ordinance by the same procedure as required for the adoption of the original code, without the necessity of setting forth in full in the amending ordinance the provisions of the original ordinance or code.
   (d)   Ordinances or codes adopted by the municipality under this section shall be deemed to be a full and complete compliance with §§ 222.05 through 222.10, and no other publication is necessary.
(R.C. § 731.231)