§ 32.129 TERMS.
   (A)   Citizen members
      (1)   Initial terms:
         (a)   Two for a term of two years.
         (b)   Two for a term of four years.
      (2)   When the initial term of office of a citizen member expires, each new appointment of a citizen member is for a term of four years.
   (B)   Membership term. The term of office of a member appointed by the City Council is coextensive with the member's term of office or employment as an elected official, an appointed official or employee of the city unless the City Council appoints, at its first regular meeting in any year, another to serve as its representative.
   (C)   Membership.
      (1)   A member serves until his successor is appointed and qualified. A member is eligible for reappointment.
      (2)   Each member's term expires on the first Monday of January.
      (3)   The appointing authority may remove a member from the Plan Commission for cause. The appointing authority must mail notice of the removal, along with written reasons for the removal, to the member at his residence address. A member who is removed may, within 30 days after receiving notice of the removal, appeal the removal to the circuit or superior court of the county. The court may, pending the outcome of the appeal, order the removal or stay the removal of the member.
      (4)   Each citizen member shall be appointed because of the member's knowledge and experience in community affairs, the member's awareness of the social, economic, agricultural, and industrial problems of the area, and the member's interest in the development and integration of the area. A citizen member may not hold other elective or appointive office in municipal, county, or state government, except in the case of an area plan commission membership on the school board, the park board, or the board of directors for public utilities or board of trustees for utilities created under IC 8-1-11.1. A citizen member must be a resident of the jurisdictional area of the Plan Commission.
(Ord. 1996-2, passed 2-1-96; Am. Ord. 1997-1, passed 1-9-97)