The Common Council shall appoint eligible persons to such boards and committees, as required by law, in the following manner:
      First:      The Council shall notify the news media, registered with the Clerk-Treasurer pursuant to the open door law, no later than the regular Council meeting preceding the appointment meeting of the term of office and qualifications.
      Second:   Any Council person may nominate an eligible person for appointment. A nomination does not require a second. However, a Council person may nominate only one person.
      Third:      After all Council persons have been given an opportunity to nominate a person, the nominations shall be closed.
      Fourth:   The Clerk-Treasurer shall read the names of each person nominated.
      Fifth:      The Council may discuss the qualifications of the nominees.
      Sixth:      After an opportunity is afforded discussion, the Council shall proceed to vote on the nominees. Each Council person shall vote for one nominee only.
      Seventh:   The Clerk-Treasurer shall tally the votes and announce the result. If a nominee did not receive a majority, the Council shall proceed to vote again (the nominee receiving the lowest votes shall be excluded from consideration) in the same manner until a nominee receives a majority of the Council elect (such as four votes).
      Eighth:   If there is a tie, the Mayor shall cast the tie breaking vote. If more than one nominee receives the same number of votes and is eligible for exclusion, the Mayor will decide which nominee will remain on future ballots.
(Ord. 2005-2, passed 3-3-05)