The Clerk-Treasurer is the fiscal officer, as required by law (I.C. 36-4-10-2(d)). To this end, the Clerk-Treasurer shall:
   (A)   Keep separate accounts for each item of appropriation, the unpaid contracts charged against it and the balance remaining;
   (B)   On or before December 15 of each year; submit under oath to the Council a report of the accounts of the city published in pamphlet form and showing revenues, receipts, expenditures and the sources of revenues;
   (C)   Maintain custody of the records of his or her department at the City Building only and turn them over to his or her successor in office;
   (D)   Manage the finances and accounts of the city and make investments of city money, subject to the ordinances of the Council and the provisions of this subchapter;
   (E)   Prescribe payroll and account forms for all city offices;
   (F)   Submit to the Mayor, at least four days in advance of a Council meeting, all questions and concerns pertaining to claims to be submitted to the Council;
   (G)   Receive and care for all city money and pay the money out only on order of the approving body;
   (H)   Keep accounts showing when and from what sources he or she has received city money and when and to whom he or she has paid city money;
   (I)   Prepare for the Council the budget estimates of miscellaneous revenue, financial statements and the proposed tax rate and attend all conferences with the State Board of Accounts and representatives of the State Board of Tax Commissioners;
   (J)   Issue all licenses authorized by statute and collect the fees fixed by ordinance;
   (K)   Serve as Clerk of the Board of Public Works and Safety by attending meetings and recording proceedings and otherwise acting in the same manner toward the Board as the Clerk of this Council under this chapter;
   (L)   Prepare semiannual financial statements as of January 1 and July 1 in each calendar year and report the same promptly to the Council; and,
   (M)   Perform all other duties prescribed by statute.
(Ord. 1990- , passed - -90)