Type of Use
Minimum Parking Space(s)
Type of Use
Minimum Parking Space(s)
Amusement establishments, including swimming pools, golf courses, bowling alleys, skating rinks and similar facilities
1 parking space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, or 5 parking spaces for each hole, alley or 100 square feet of water area, whichever is greater.
Automobile and truck repair
1 for each 200 square feet of net floor area.
Automobile service sales room business services, clothing services, food services, personal services, retail service and retail storage generally, and tavern or night club
1 for each 125 square feet of net floor area.
Automobile service station uses
1 parking space for each employee per largest working shift, plus 2 spaces for each service stall.
Billiard room, dancing academy, sporting activities, department store and automobile, truck or trailer rental and sales area
1 for each 200 square feet of net floor area.
Boarding schools, vocational and trade schools, colleges, and similar educational institutions
1 parking space for each 6 students, based on the maximum number of students attending classes on the premises at any one time during a 24-hour period.
Bowling alley or roller rink
3 for each lane, plus 1 for each 6 spectator seats.
Churches, theaters, auditoriums, assembly halls, undertaking
1 parking space for each 5 seats in the main and similar places of congregation sanctuary or room, plus 1 space for each employee per largest working shift.
Commercial, manufacturing and industrial establishments not catering to the retail trade
1 parking space for each 2 employees on the largest shift, plus an adequate number of spaces for visitors and company vehicles operating from the premises.
Community centers, public buildings, utilities and public service uses including libraries, museums, place of assembly
1 parking space for each 800 square feet of gross floor area, or 1 space for each 2 and similar employees per largest shift, whichever is greater.
Drive-in establishments
2 parking spaces for each 100 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each employee per largest working shift.
Group housing, including rooming and boarding houses, dormitories, elderly housing, fraternities and sororities
1 parking space for each 2 beds, or each 2 sleeping units, rooming units or dwelling units in the case of elderly housing, plus 1 space for each employee per largest working shift.
Hotel or motel
1 for each 3 employees, plus 1 for each sleeping unit.
Indoor theater
1 for each 6 seats.
Motor bus or passenger station
1 for each 3 employees, plus 1 for each 10 seats in waiting room. Other retail uses in connection therewith shall provide one space for each 2 employees.
Newspaper publishing
1 per employee on largest shift.
Open-air type business uses, including auto and boat sales, kennels, plant nurseries and commercial amusement establishment
1 parking space for each employee per largest working shift, plus 2 spaces for each service stall.
Philanthropic and charitable institutions
1 parking space for each 2 employees per largest working shift, plus an adequate number of spaces to serve the public.
Private (or commercial) club or lodge
Space to accommodate 50% of the active membership at 1 space per 3 members, or as determined by the Board. The determination shall be based upon the particular lodge required to satisfy estimated peak parking load requirements.
Radio and television studios
1 per employee, plus one for each 6 seats in main auditorium.
Residential uses
As required in the applicable sections of this chapter.
   Single-family dwelling
   Manufactured home
   Farm house or farm dwelling
   Two-family dwelling
2 for each unit
   Multi-family dwelling (or apartment building)
2 for each dwelling unit
Schools, public and private (education institution)
   Elementary or junior high
At least 3 parking spaces shall be provided for each classroom. At least 6 parking spaces shall be provided for each classroom. At least 1 space shall be provided for each 5 seats when the facility is of an independent nature. When such facility is utilized in conjunction with a school, either the parking requirement based on seating capacity of the largest single facility contained herein or the above requirement based on classroom number shall be applicable, whichever results in the greater number of spaces.
   High school
   Sports area
Storage warehouse or wholesale establishment
1 for each 3 employees or occupants. The maximum number of employees or occupants to be used in determining spaces.
-For uses not specified in this section or in such instance when the requirement for an adequate number of spaces is unclear or not specified in another part of this chapter or for special exceptions or a unit development plan and the like, the number of parking spaces shall be determined by the Executive Director or the Board of Zoning Appeals, whatever the case may be, on the basis of similar requirements, the number of persons served or employed, and the capability of adequately serving the visiting public. Such determination, if made by the Executive Director, may be appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
-In case of conflict between the provisions of this section, the higher requirement shall govern.
-For purposes of determining off-street parking requirements under this section, GROSS FLOOR AREA shall mean the total horizontal areas of the one or several floors of the building or portion thereof devoted to such use, including accessory storage areas located within selling or working space such as counters, racks or closets, and any basement floor area devoted to retailing activities, to the production or processing of goods or to offices; provided, however, gross floor area shall not include that area devoted entirely and permanently to storage purposes, parking and loading facilities or space used for restrooms, utilities or elevator shafts.
(Ord. passed --2006, §80.36(D))