(A)   Under the provisions of I.C. 36-10-3, there is hereby created a County Department of Parks and Recreation to be operated by a County Parks and Recreation Board.
   (B)   (1)   The Park and Recreation Board shall be composed of:
         (a)   Two members appointed by the Judge of the County Circuit Court;
         (b)   One member appointed by the county executive; and
         (c)   Two members appointed by the county fiscal body.
      (2)   All members shall be appointed on the basis of their interest in and knowledge of parks and recreation. No more than one member appointed under divisions (B)(1)(a) and (B)(1)(c) above may be affiliated with the same political party.
   (C)   (1)   Upon establishment of the Board, the initial terms of its members shall be as follows.
         (a)   The appointments by the County Circuit Court Judge shall be one- and three-year terms, respectively.
         (b)   The appointment by the County Commissioner shall be for a two-year term.
         (c)   The appointments by the County Council shall be for two- and four-year terms, respectively.
      (2)   As a term expires, each new appointment shall be for a four-year term. All terms shall expire on the first Monday in January, but a member shall continue in office until his or her successor is appointed. The appointing authorities shall make initial appointments within 90 days after the creation of the Department. If an appointment for any new term is not made by the first Monday in April, the incumbent shall serve another term. If a vacancy on the Board occurs, the appointing authority shall appoint a person to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
   (D)   At its first regular meeting in each year, the Board shall elect a President and a Vice-President. The Vice-President shall have authority to act as the President of the Board during the absence or disability of the President. The Board may select a Secretary either from within or without its own membership.
   (E)   The Board shall have the power to perform all acts necessary to acquire and develop sites and facilities and to conduct such programs as are generally understood to be park and recreation functions. In addition, the Board shall have all the powers and duties listed in I.C. 36-10-3.
   (F)   The Board shall prepare and submit an annual budget in the same manner as other departments of county government as prescribed by the State Board of Accounts. The Board may accept gifts, donations and subsidies for park and recreation purposes.
   (G)   This section shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according to the laws of the state.
(Council Ord. 1993-O-93-3, passed 9-28-1993)