2-2-7: MEETINGS:
The board shall meet at least once per month unless required to meet more frequently. One meeting shall be designated as the annual meeting. The purposes of the annual meetings are to elect the officers of the board, to establish a regular meeting date, and to review, amend, repeal or adopt bylaws, policies and procedures. Special meetings may be held from time to time as the board may determine, but written notice thereof shall be given to the members at least two (2) days prior to the day of the meeting. A quorum shall consist of the three (3) voting members but a smaller number may adjourn. All meetings are to be held pursuant to the open meeting law and shall be in such a facility as to accommodate those individuals who may suffer from disabilities. The secretary shall be responsible for preparing an agenda in a timely manner, and provide notice thereof to the city. The meetings shall occur at a set date and time each month as set by resolution. The board shall report at least once each year, or more frequently at the council's discretion. (Ord. 497, 8-20-2002)