A.   Adoption: Certain documents, three (3) copies of each code of which are on file in the office of the City of Rigby, public works department, being marked and designated as the International Building Code, current Idaho State Edition, the International Residential Code, current Idaho State Edition, the International Mechanical Code, current Idaho State Edition, the International Fuel Gas Code, current Idaho State Edition, the International Energy Conservation Code, current Idaho State Edition, and the International Existing Building Code current Idaho State Edition, all published by the International Code Council, the NFPA 70 National Electrical Code as currently required by the State of Idaho and the Idaho Plumbing Code as currently required by the State of Idaho and published by the State of Idaho are hereby adopted as the building code of the City of Rigby, in the State of Idaho for regulating and governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures; by providing the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; and the condemnation of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use and the demolition of such structures as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said building code on file in the office of the city of Rigby public works department are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof as if fully set out in this section, with the additions, insertions and deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in subsection B of this section.
   B.   Amendments: The following sections are hereby revised:
      1.   For the 2009 International Building Code, the following sections are hereby revised:
Section 101.4.3. Replace the language "International Plumbing Code" with the following:
Idaho Plumbing Code as currently required by the State of Idaho and published by the State of Idaho AND the current edition of the Pacific Northwest section of American Water Works Association (AWWA) Manual.
Section 903.2.8. Insert following the section:
Exception: One and two unit dwellings are not required to be sprinklered as per the state of Idaho revisions of the 2009 International Building Code.
Section 1612.3. Insert: City of Rigby, Idaho.
Section 1612.3. Insert: 19 day of July, 2011.
Section 3412.2. Insert: January 1st, 1985.
      2.   For the 2009 International Residential Code, the following sections are hereby revised:
Section 101.1. Insert: City of Rigby, Idaho.
Table R301.2(1).
Insert: Ground snow: 50 lb; wind speed: 90 mph; topographic effects: no; seismic design category: D-1; weathering: severe; frost line depth: 36 inches; termite: slight; winter design temp: -5 degree; ice shield underlayment required: yes; flood hazards: flood insurance rate map (FIRM) dated September 26, 2008; air freezing index: 2000; mean annual temperature: 42 degree.
Table R302.6.
Delete the box that reads: not less than 1/2" gypsum board applied to the garage side.
Insert in place: not less than 5/8" "type X" gypsum board applied to the garage side.
Delete chapters 25 through 43. The governing electrical code and plumbing code shall be that as most currently adopted by the State of Idaho Division of Building Safety.
      3.   For the 2009 International Mechanical Code, the following sections are hereby revised:
Section 101.1. Insert: City of Rigby, Idaho.
Section 106.5.2. Insert the following:
The mechanical fee schedule shall be as per state of Idaho statutes, title 54, chapter 50, Installation of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems - 54-5017. Permits - Applications - Fees, or as the same may from time to time be modified. A copy of which shall be kept at the city of Rigby Public Works Department.
Section 106.5.3. Insert: 50% in both locations.
Section 108.4. Insert: Misdemeanor punishable by fines of $300 per day and up to 30 days in jail.
Section 108.5. Insert: $200 (minimum fine) and $2000 (maximum fine).
      4.   For the 2009 International Fuel Gas Code, the following sections are hereby revised:
Section 101.1. Insert: City of Rigby, Idaho.
Section 106.5.2. Change section to read:
Fees are covered elsewhere. See section 106.5.2. of the 2006 International Mechanical Code.
Section 106.5.3. Insert 50% in both locations.
Section 108.4. Insert: Misdemeanor punishable by fines of $300 per day and up to 30 days in jail.
Section 108.5. Insert: $200 (minimum fine) and $2000 (maximum fine).
      5.   For the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code, the following sections are hereby revised:
Section 101.1. Insert: City of Rigby, Idaho.
      6.   For the current Plumbing Code, insert the following:
The plumbing fee schedule shall be as per state of Idaho statutes, title 54, chapter 26, Plumbing and Plumbers - 54-2619. Municipal Fees for Permits, Inspections - Exceptions, and in accordance with IDAPA 07 title 2 chapter 03, or as the same may from time to time be modified. A copy of which shall be kept at the city of Rigby public works department.
   C.   Fees Collected: Building permit fees and other inspection fees not identified in subsection B of this section, shall be collected at time of building permit issuance and shall be as identified by table 1A of the 1997 Uniform Building Code.
   D.   Penalty: Any person, firm, or corporation violating any provision of the Building Code as described in subsection A of this section, shall upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a general misdemeanor, which shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or by both said fine and imprisonment for any single violation, in addition to any penalty for any sanction provided for in the adopted Building Code as described in subsection A of this section. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. (Ord. 2011-551, 7-19-2011, eff. 7-19-2011; amd. Ord. 2021-619, 9-14-2021)