A. Service Contract Required: The Public Works Director shall not provide any water service to any consumer whose residence or place of business is outside of the corporate limits of the City until an "outside-the-City water service contract" has been executed between the consumer and the City. (1980 Code § 4.6.33; amd. 1999 Code)
B. Service Rates: The following monthly rates are hereby designated as those to be charged for water furnished outside the City limits, whether metered or nonmetered, namely: two (2) times the rates charged for water furnished inside the City limits. The water connection fee (section 8-1-10 of this chapter) and the water service line installation fee (section 8-1-9 of this chapter) shall be the same irrespective of whether they are "inside of" or "outside of" the City. (1980 Code § 4.6.32)