A.   Single Business: The following shall be used in determining the definition of "business", for the purpose of determining water rates:
      1.   Where a single business falls within two (2) business categories, the business shall pay the higher of two (2) rates. Similarly, a single business falling into two (2) subdivisions of a single category, e.g., law office and title office, shall pay a single fee, as long as it is a single business.
      2.   A "single business" shall be defined as a commercial entity under a single ownership and control contained within a single structure. In determining whether a commercial entity is a single business or multiple business, the city shall consider, but is not limited to, the following factors:
         a.   How it is treated for taxation purposes.
         b.   Legal status of the business, i.e., corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, limited liability company, or professional limited liability company.
         c.   Telephone number.
         d.   Advertisements.
         e.   How it holds itself out to the public.
         f.   Water consumption.
         g.   Any other factor.
         h.   Whether rent, if any, is paid from a single source. (Res. 65, 5-20-1997)
   B.   Multiple Business: A "multiple business" is defined as a business without common financial interest or instances of ownership. Multiple business use must fall under the definition as defined by subsection 8-1-11C of this chapter, "business/commercial category 1". Business use not defined under subsection 8-1-11C of this chapter, will be charged based on their classification for that business only. The building must service more than one business with restrooms being shared among the businesses. Residential use as defined by this code, does not fall under multiple business.
The fee for a building having multiple business shall be assessed at the rate of a single category 1 business for the first business plus the rate as set by city resolution for each subsequent business for water and sewer service only. (Ord. 2011-549, 3-15-2011)