A.   Duty Of Fire Chief To Inspect: When any building or structure is reported to the Fire Chief as insecure, unsafe or dangerous to life or property, or in such a state that it interferes with the general safety of the public health, said Fire Chief and his assistants shall make a thorough inspection and make their report to the City Council. If the Council believes such building to be in a dangerous condition, the Chief of Police shall be instructed to notify the owner of the dangerous condition of said building. If the owner fails to comply with such order, said building shall constitute a public nuisance and the owner thereof shall be guilty of maintaining a public nuisance; and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined as prescribed in this Chapter. Also, the City may proceed to abate the same as prescribed by law.
   B.   Condemnation Of Fire Hazard By City Council: If the City Council desires to proceed to destroy said premises, the following form of resolution shall be passed by the Council.
      Whereas, it has come to the attention of the City Council of the City of Rigby, Idaho, that the building or structure upon the following described real estate within the corporate limits of the City of Rigby, Idaho, (describe the land) is in such a dilapidated condition and so poorly constructed and in such disrepair the building may collapse and menace the safety of persons and property in the City of Rigby, Idaho. On account of the increase of fire hazard to adjoining property, and to such extent that said building has been for a long time past and is now a nuisance. Now therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of Rigby, Idaho, that the building or structure now upon the lands above described is hereby declared to be a public nuisance for the reason and upon the grounds that said building is dilapidated and such a state of repair that it menaces the safety of persons and property in Rigby, Idaho, on account of increased fire hazard thereby created, and it is hereby ordered by the City Council of the City of Rigby, Idaho, that said building or structure upon the above described lands be forthwith removed from said real estate, as aforesaid, and the Chief of Police is hereby authorized and requested to execute the orders of the City Council as provided by law.
(1980 Code § 6.5.4; amd. 1999 Code; Ord. 2023-635, 7-6-2023)