921.03 TAP FEES.
   (a)   Separate sections of these Codified Ordinances will be maintained for water and sewer rates and tap fees. This section covers tap fees and related requirements only.
   (b)   Tap Fees.
Sewer tap fee:   
$1,000.00 plus material costs
Water tap fee:   
1,000.00 plus material costs
   (c)   All applications shall be made to the Village Administrator on Form BPA-2 and all fees shall be paid before taps are made. All applications shall be reviewed by the Richwood Administrative Office and the property owner shall be notified within ten days of the application’s approval and/or denial.
   (d)   All service connections shall be inspected and approved by the Richwood Administrative Office prior to service being placed into use.
(Ord. 4-11-88; Amended 6-24-02.)