No person shall occupy, either as owner or as tenant, or permit another to occupy, any dwelling or dwelling unit for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking or eating therein, which does not comply with the following provisions.
   (A)   Every dwelling and dwelling unit shall be supplied heating facilities which bear the seal of approval of an approved, nationally recognized testing agency and which heating facilities are used in the manner for which they are designed and approved. The heating facilities shall be installed in compliance with the ordinances of the city pertaining thereto and the provisions of this chapter and shall be capable of safely and adequately heating all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms or compartments contained therein to a temperature of at least 70°F when the outside temperature is -10°F. Doors, windows and other parts of the dwelling or dwelling unit shall be constructed and maintained so as to prevent abnormal heat losses.
   (B)   In every dwelling or dwelling unit where room heaters utilizing gas or a fuel are used and operated, the room heaters shall be connected to the gas supply with either rigid pipe, approved flexible metal tubing and fittings or approved semi-rigid tubing and fittings. No room heater shall be placed so as to cause a fire hazard to walls, curtains, furniture, open doors or to the free movement of persons within the room where the room heater is located. A room heater of the freestanding type shall be placed so as to provide at least six inches clearance between the heater and any combustible material.
   (C)   All gas burning room heaters and water heaters shall be connected properly and vented to the outside air by a vitrified flue lined chimney or a flue lined chimney approved in accordance with the regulations established by the American Insurance Association.
   (D)   Gas appliances designed primarily for cooking or water heating purposes shall not be considered as heating facilities within the meaning of this section.
   (E)   Portable heating equipment employing flame is prohibited.
   (F)   Rubber tube or armored rubber tube connections on gas heating facilities are prohibited.
   (G)   Where heat is not furnished from a central heating plant, each dwelling unit in such a dwelling or building shall have at least half of the habitable rooms provided with fire-proof chimney flues to permit the operation of sufficient heating facilities to meet the standards for heating as herein set forth.
(Prior Code, § 151.11) (Ord. 2231-1966, passed - -1966; Ord. 2425-1969, passed - -1969) Penalty, see § 151.999