(A)   A police officer shall notify the owner or operator of an alarm system, or his or her representative, of any violation subject to this subchapter by presenting such person found in possession of in charge of the alarm system with a written notice. If the officer shall not find any such person in possession of in charge of the premises, or if the person is a child or incapable of receiving the notice, the officer shall notify such owner or operator thereof by posting or attaching a written notice of the violation in a conspicuous place upon the premises and such person shall be bound thereby.
   (B)   All notice of violations, as required to be served by this section shall be executed by the police officer or other authorized person, in quadruplicate. One copy shall be served upon the violator, one copy shall be filed by the officer with the Police Records Division and one copy shall be filed in the office of the City Attorney, which copy shall also be for the use of the officer. The latter two copies shall be filed in the respective office by the officer at his or her earliest opportunity before or when he or she goes off duty for the particular day on which such notice was served on the violator. In the event an alarm is operated by an alarm business, one copy of the notice of violation shall be served on the person who controls the property on which the alarm system is installed and a copy shall also be served upon the alarm business.
   (C)   All notices provided for in this section shall be numbered and shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The specific violation with which the violator is charged;
      (2)   The name and address of the person who controls property on which the alarm system is installed;
      (3)   The location of the violation;
      (4)   The signature of the officer;
      (5)   The badge number, if any, of the officer; and
      (6)   The date of the violation.
   (D)   (1)   The copy of the notice served upon the violator or his or her representative, or the owner of the premises, shall also state that the violator respond, in writing, at the office of the City Attorney, within ten days of the date of the violation appearing upon the notice; and the violator so appearing shall have the privileges accorded by law.
      (2)   However, if the period of ten days shall expire upon a Sunday or a legal holiday, then the period of time in which the violator must appear shall be extended 24 additional hours. Contents of the response shall contain an explanation of any known reason for the cause of the false alarm and the remedial action taken.
(Prior Code, § 120.12) (Ord. 47-1985, passed - -1985)