(A)   The city’s EEO policy is communicated to all departments, agencies and shall be available upon request to all contractors involved in work for the city. Nondiscrimination policy statements shall be required in all contracts entered into by the city involving expenditures of $2,000 or more. In addition, any contractor bidding upon a city contract involving more than $25,000 shall supply with its bid a written statement showing the makeup of the employee workforce which includes the number of minorities and women compared with all employees. An annual statement showing such information shall meet this requirement.
   (B)   Posting of EEO literature on bulletin boards in the city departments shall be done so that employees of the department and those entering the department for the purpose of assistance or information shall be informed of the EEO policy of the city. Copies of the city’s Affirmative Action Program shall be kept on file in the City Clerk’s office for the benefit of the general public. Each department shall maintain a copy of the city’s Affirmative Action Program for the benefit of the department, its employees and all those who deal with the department.
   (C)   A statement of the city’s EEO policy shall be disseminated to commissions, agencies, community action groups and all other organizations conducting training and hiring programs, and other related groups where minorities might be solicited for employment and informed of employment opportunities.
   (D)   All contractors, except those exempted by federal regulations, shall abide by Pub. Law No. 90-448, 90th Congress, S. 3497 enacted August 1, 1968, which ensures that, when feasible, local low-income project residents shall be hired if additional employment is required for the federally-funded project and, when feasible, materials for the federally-funded project shall be procured locally, using small business and minority businesses. Compliance statements in regard to § 3, employment of low-income project residents and procurement of materials from local business, shall be required of all non-exempt contractors. The city incorporates these requirements into its Affirmative Action Program so that its citizens may be aware of such EEO procedures from which they may benefit.
   (E)   EEO posters shall be displayed on all construction sites in which the city contributes funding. (Records of employment and employment practices of contractors and subcontractors shall be subject to review by the city to ensure that the affirmative action policies of the contractors and subcontractors are being followed and that the rights of its citizens are being projected in regard to EEO.)
(Prior Code, § 35.06) (Ord. 63-2000, passed - -)