(A)   The following streets or portions of streets within the city are designated as snow emergency routes:
2nd Street
South A Street to North E Street
4th Street
North E Street to South E Street
5th Street
North E Street to South E Street
6th Street
North E Street to South E Street
7th Street
North E Street to South E Street
10th Street
South A Street to North E Street
Abington Pike
G Street to Test Road
Backmeyer Road
Garwood Road to Henley Road
Bridge Avenue
From beginning to end
College Avenue
U.S. 40 to dead end
Crowe Road
Salisbury to Round Barn Road
Elks Road
U.S. 40 to city limits
Fort Wayne Avenue
From beginning to end
G Street Bridge
Hub Etchinson Avenue to South 5th
G Street
Hub Etchinson Avenue to College Avenue
Gaar Jackson Road
Salisbury to Round Barn Road
Garwood Road
U.S. 40 to Hodgin Road
Gravel Pit Road
U.S. 40 to city limits
Hayes Aboretum Road
U.S. 40 to city limits
Henley Road
East Main Street to Wernle Road
Hidden Valley Drive
U.S. 40 to end
Hodgin Road
Henley to Industrial Parkway
Hub Etchinson Avenue
U.S. 40 to G Street
Indiana Avenue
NW 5th to State Hospital
Industrial Parkway
U.S. 40 to Hodgin Road
Road Round Barn Road to S.R. 27
Liberty Avenue
South 5th to city limits
Main Street
Salisbury Road to South 11th Street
North E Street
South 8th Street to Glen Miller Park
North D Street
Fort Wayne Avenue to North 5th Street
North 5th/South 5th
Richmond Avenue to South Q Street
North J Street
U.S. 27 to North E Street
North 10th Street
U.S. 27 to North E Street
North F Street
North 10th to North 19th Street
North 10th Street
North E Street to South A Street
North 22nd Street
North E Street to South E Street
North 20th Street
North E Street to East Main Street
North 20th Street
Hawkins Road to East Main Street
NW L Street
Bridge Avenue to Salisbury Road
NW 5th/SW 5th Street
U.S. 40 to Williamsburg Pike
NW 11th Street
NW L to Rich Road
NW 18th/SW 18th
From U.S. 40 to State Hospital
NW 13th/SW 13th
From U.S. 40 to State Hospital
Oak Park Drive
From beginning to end
Peacock Road
NW 5th Street to Salisbury Road
Progress Drive
NW 5th to NW 11th
Rich Road
Williamsburg Pike to Salisbury Road
Richmond Avenue
North 5th to NW 9th Street
Round Barn Road
U.S. 40 to Gaar Jackson Road
Salisbury Road
Industries Road to U.S. 40
Service Drives
Downtown area
Sheridan Street
Richmond Avenue to end
Sim Hodgin Parkway
U.S. 27 to Hub Etchinson Avenue
South E Street
South 5th Street to Henley Road
South 23rd Street
Main Street to South L Street
South 37th Street
U.S. 40 to Hodgin Road
South L Street
Liberty Avenue to Henley Road
South 13th Street
Main Street to South 14th Street
South Q Street
Liberty Avenue to South 8th Street
South 14th Street
Boston Pike to South 13th Street
Southeast Parkway
Henley Road to South E Street
Sylvan Nook Drive
U.S. 27 to dead end
Test Road
Liberty Avenue to Abington Pike
Toschlog Road
U.S. 40 to city limits
Union Pike
NW 5th to Industries Road
University Blvd
U.S. 27 to end
Waterfall Road
From bridge to Sheridan Street
Wernle Road
South 9th to city limits
West Eaton Pike
East Main Street to city limits
Williamsburg Pike
To State Right of Way
   (B)   Snow removal crews will first work to keep the main roadways clear during a declared snow emergency.
   (C)   After main roadways are cleared first, then snow removal crews will next work to have snow removed from the collector streets in residential areas during a declared snow emergency.
(Prior Code, § 75.05) Penalty, see § 76.999