(A)   The government of the city is authorized to use credit cards issued in the name of the city for use only on city-related business.
   (B)   The responsibility for the issuance and custody of credit cards shall be with the City Controller. Credit cards may be used by a city employee when authorized by the employee’s department head and approved by the City Controller, and also by elected officials of the city subject to the approval of the City Controller. The City Controller shall establish regulations concerning the use of the cards. In each instance of the use of the cards, once the purpose for which the cards are used is accomplished, the cards shall be returned to the City Controller.
   (C)   The city is authorized to pay any reasonable annual membership fee, service charge or renewal charge levied by the credit card issuer.
   (D)   No interest, carrying charges or penalties shall be incurred due to late payment. In the event of such charges being incurred due to late payments, the employee or official responsible for the late payment shall bear the charges. All claims filed in connection with the use of the credit cards must be itemized as provided in I.C. 5-11-10. A reasonable tip or gratuity is allowable where a business-related service has been provided.
(Prior Code, § 33.07) (Ord. 67-1990, passed - -)