(A)   When any member is about to speak or deliver any matter to the Council, he or she shall request recognition by the Chair and shall confine himself or herself to the question in debate, avoiding personalities. The Chair shall not recognize any member as in order unless he or she shall be in his or her assigned place.
   (B)   No member may speak more than twice on the same question without leave of the Council, no more than once until every member choosing to speak has spoken. All speeches shall be limited to five minutes unless further time is granted by Council. Answering questions is not to be considered as part of the speaker’s time.
   (C)   When two or more members request recognition at once, the presiding officer shall decide which shall speak first.
   (D)   When the presiding officer is putting the question or addressing speaking, no member shall engage in private discourse, or walk across or leave the room unnecessarily.
   (E)   No member shall impugn the motive of another member of the Council.
   (F)   Any member may change his or her vote before the announcement of the result by the Chair. Every member must vote on every question unless excused from voting by a majority of the members present.
   (G)   If any member in any way transgresses the rules of Council, he or she shall be subject to a point of order request by any other member, in which case the alleged offender shall immediately take his or her seat unless permitted to explain. If the question of order is decided against him or her, he or she shall be liable, if the case requires it, to the censure of the Council. If the decision be in his or her favor, he or she shall be at liberty to proceed.
(Prior Code, § 30.14)