(A)   The general rules of parliamentary law, according to Robert’s Rules of Order, so far as applicable, are to be considered the rules of Council, unless they conflict with any of the rules herein prescribed. The City Attorney shall be deemed the parliamentarian of the Council.
   (B)   A quorum shall consist of a majority of all members, but no ordinance, order or resolution shall be passed or ordinance engrossed which shall not have received the votes of a majority of all members constituting the Council.
   (C)   No person, other than a duly elected member of Council, shall be permitted to address the Council unless recognized by the presiding officer, excepting however, when authorization is given by a two-thirds consent of the members present. Any person addressing the Council shall rise, state his or her name and address to the Clerk, and shall confine his or her remarks to the subject matter under discussion.
   (D)   No smoking, eating or drinking shall be allowed in the Council Chamber while Council is in session.
   (E)   The presiding officer shall designate whether any question is carried by an affirmative or negative vote, but, if in doubt as to the result, he or she shall have the right to have the vote taken again by a roll call vote. Any member of Council may call for a division. As soon as a division is called for, the presiding officer shall then proceed to take the vote by a roll call vote. In the case of a roll call vote, the Clerk shall call the roll, and shall announce to the presiding officer the number voting in the affirmative and the number voting in the negative.
   (F)   (1)   The standing committees of the Council shall be appointed by the President and shall consist of the following committees:
         (a)   Transportation Committee;
         (b)   Parks and Recreation Committee;
         (c)   Public Safety Committee;
         (d)   Community Development and Community Service Committee;
         (e)   Public Works and Sanitation Committee; and
         (f)   Finance Committee.
      (2)   The President shall appoint a member from Council to the following organizations:
         (a)   Reid Hospital and Health Care Services Board of Trustees;
         (b)   City Board of Parks and Recreation;
         (c)   Wayne County Arts Consortium;
         (d)   Animal Welfare League;
         (e)   Board of Aviation Commissioners;
         (f)   Urban Enterprise Association (Enterprise Zone Board); and
         (g)   Community Services Council.
      (3)   A member of Council shall be elected by Council to the City Plan Commission.
   (G)   The duties of the standing committees shall be the same as in legislative bodies, except as herein modified or changed. The standing committees shall make studies and recommendations concerning ordinances having to do with matters in their general area.
   (H)   Ordinances making the annual budget and tax levy and those making annual appropriations to meet the several items of expense that are appropriately chargeable against the city, shall be considered by the Committee of the Whole. All other matters relating to the raising of revenues or claims may also be reported to the Council acting as the Committee of the Whole.
(Prior Code, § 30.07)