(A)   Common Council Executive Committee for Electric Utility. An Executive Committee is established. The Committee is to be comprised of seven voting members: the Chairperson of the Board, the Chairperson of the Finance Committee, the Chairperson of the Personnel Committee, the Chairperson of the Street Light Committee, the General Manager, the Manager of Finance and the Manager of Transmission and Distribution. Each member shall hold office for a period of one year, commencing on January 15 of each year.
(Prior Code, § 52.04)
   (B)   Powers and duties of the Executive Committee.
      (1)   The Executive Committee shall have the following duties:
         (a)   To recommend the hiring of management and the fixing of salaries;
         (b)   To make recommendations concerning the hiring of consultants and the cost pertaining thereto;
         (c)   To recommend the borrowing of money, the issuance of bonds, notes or other obligations, and evidence of indebtedness therefor;
         (d)   To study and recommend question of general policy with regard to business of the utility;
         (e)   To make recommendations as to rates and declaration of dividends to the city; and
         (f)   To make recommendations regarding existing or proposed contractual agreements of the utility.
      (2)   The Board of Directors retains any and all power of final authorization except as those powers specifically designated to the Executive Committee or any other committee.
      (3)   The Executive Committee shall report all its actions to the Board of Directors.
(Prior Code, § 52.05)
   (C)   Meetings of the Executive Committee. The meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the Manager of Personnel acting as Secretary to the Executive Committee at the direction and request of the General Manager, Chairperson or any two members of the Executive Committee. Notice of such meetings shall in each instance be given in writing to each member of the Committee at least 48 hours before the meeting.
(Prior Code, § 52.06)
   (D)   Expenditures and activities approved for Electric Utility.
      (1)   The General Manager is authorized to take out memberships for RP&L for the City Area Chamber of Commerce, City Area Management Association, National Association of Accountants, American Society for Personnel Administration and other organizations of a similar nature which the General Manager deems will further the objectives and operations of RP&L.
      (2)   Employees of RP&L who attend, on behalf of RP&L, luncheons, dinner meetings, conferences and activities of a similar nature shall be reimbursed for their meals and incidental expenses related to such attendance. In addition, guests of RP&L attending conferences and meetings on behalf of RP&L, shall have their meals paid for by RP&L.
      (3)   RP&L is authorized to pay the entry fees for its employees in bowling leagues, softball leagues, and is further authorized to pay for the incidental equipment for its employees, including bowling shirts, softball jerseys, related athletic equipment, incidental expenses related to such recreational activities and the rental of facilities.
      (4)   RP&L is authorized to pay for community service advertising which will further its customer relations and community standing including holiday greetings, advertisements in city area publications and such other advertising expenses of a similar nature.
      (5)   RP&L is authorized to pay educational and instructional course expense of a reasonable nature for its utility employees.
      (6)   RP&L is authorized to engage in and pay for civic expenses and activities of a reasonable nature required by the Common Council or other governmental officials of a reasonable nature.
      (7)   RP&L is authorized to pay expenses incurred in promoting good customer relations with its residential, industrial and commercial purchasers of power.
      (8)   RP&L is authorized to engage in activities and expenditures of a reasonable nature which will promote good relations with its employees including, but limited to, the issuance of award plaques, the sending of flowers to employees and their families as occasions warrant, and activities of a similar nature.
      (9)   RP&L is authorized to advance to its employees funds that may be required by them to travel on behalf of RP&L.
      (10)   Expenditures and activities of RP&L in conformity with the provisions herein made by RP&L, are retroactively approved.
      (11)   Color Weather Radar Signal Service.
         (a)   The Council hereby authorizes RP&L to provide color weather radar service to members of the public located in the service area of RP&L or Clearview Cable TV, Inc. utilizing its employees, funds and facilities and the facilities of Clearview Cable TV, Inc.
         (b)   The General Manager of RP&L is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Clearview Cable TV, Inc. as may be required to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter.
         (c)   The General Manager or his or her designated employees are hereby authorized to enter into agreements to provide color weather radar signal service to members of the public under such terms and conditions as he or she deems appropriate with the charge for said service to members of the public to be reasonably related to the cost of said service.
         (d)   The General Manager of RP&L, its employees and agents are hereby granted such authority as may be required to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter including the execution of all necessary documents and contracts.
(Prior Code, § 52.07)
(Res. 11-1979, passed - -; Ord. 1-1980, passed - -; Ord. 55-1983, passed - -)