This incentive standards section applies to the following types of development: ST; ZL; DP; and PD.
   (A)   Applicability. Residential developments that elect to follow the anti-monotony standards or extra open space standards shall be eligible for density incentives as described below.
   (B)   Anti-monotony standards.
      (1)   Architectural features. At least 80% of all dwelling units in the development shall:
         (a)   Utilize brick masonry or stone on 75% of the front facade and 50% on each side and rear facade; and
         (b)   Utilize side-loading or rear-loading garages on at least 60% of all dwelling units. When front-loading garages are used, the garage shall not project in front of the main living area of the dwelling unit by more than feet.
      (2)   Rear facades. All perimeter lots shall have the same exterior window treatments (such as shutters) that are used on the front facade applied to any facade facing the perimeter street right-of-way; and at least one of the following features:
         (a)   An offset or bump-out, at least four feet from the plane of the rear facade, across at least 40% of the rear facade;
         (b)   An all-brick chimney that is offset from the plane of the rear facade by at least two feet; or
         (c)   A sunroom that is at least 11 feet by 11 feet.
      (3)   Windows. All dwelling units shall have at least one window per floor on each side elevation and two windows per floor on the front and rear elevation.
      (4)   Proposed standards. An applicant may seek to not follow the requirements above, and instead submit detailed architectural design standards that are mandatory for all dwelling units within the development. These architectural design standards shall achieve the same or a greater degree of anti-monotony as those listed above. The submitted architectural design standards shall be approved by the Plan Commission as part of a primary plat for a subdivision, detailed development plan for a planned development or development plan approval. The developer shall include at least three sample dwelling unit designs to be built within the development showing color drawings of each elevation. These designs shall highlight how the proposed architectural design standards will result in quality architecture and anti-monotony for the development.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 7.10)