(A)   Standard zoning districts. The standard zoning district boundaries shall be shown on the official zoning map. The two-digit abbreviations for the standard zoning districts appearing in this chapter or a specific color noted on the map legend shall be used to identify the zoning districts on the map.
   (B)   Overlay districts. The overlay district boundaries shown on the official zoning map shall be interpreted as follows.
      (1)   Labeling. An overlay district shall be noted on the official zoning map with a hatch or textured pattern and be noted as such on the map legend.
      (2)   Fully covered. A lot that is fully covered (bounded) by an overlay district shall be interpreted to be subject to the overlay district standards found in §§ 165.120 through 165.127, 165.140 through 165.148, 165.160 through 165.165, 165.180 through 165.186, 165.200 through 165.205 and 165.220 through 165.226.
      (3)   Partially covered. A lot that is partially covered (i.e., transected) by an overlay district shall be interpreted to be subject to the overlay district standards to the extent the lot area is covered by the overlay district.
   (C)   Standards. Zoning district boundaries on the official zoning map shall be interpreted as follows.
      (1)   Streets. Zoning district boundaries shown within or parallel to the lines of streets, easements and transportation rights-of-way shall be deemed to follow the centerline of the affected street, easement or right-of-way.
      (2)   Section lines. Zoning district boundaries indicated as following or being parallel to section or fractional sectional lines, platted lot lines or city’s corporation lines shall be construed as following or paralleling such lines.
      (3)   Water. Zoning district boundaries indicated as approximately following the centerline of streams, rivers or other moving bodies of water shall be construed to follow such centerlines.
      (4)   Vacated. Whenever any street, alley, public way, railroad right-of-way, waterway or other similar area is vacated by proper authority, the zoning districts adjoining each side of vacated areas shall be extended automatically to the center of the vacated area. All areas included in the vacation shall thereafter be subject to all regulations of the extended zoning districts. The following exception applies: in the event of a partial vacation, the adjoining zoning district or zoning district nearest the portion vacated shall be extended automatically to include all of the vacated area.
   (D)   Disputes. Any disputes as to the exact zoning district boundaries shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator may refuse to make a determination when he or she cannot definitely determine the location of a zoning district boundary. The Plan Commission may then interpret the location of the zoning district boundary with reference to the scale of the official zoning map and the purposes set forth in all relevant provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 10-2010, passed - -2010, § 1.24)