(a)    Lighting shall be used to provide safety while accenting key architectural elements and to emphasize landscape features. Light fixtures shall be designed as an integral design element that complements the design of the building and shall be reviewed by the Architectural Board of Review of the Municipality for approval. This can be accomplished through style, material, and/or color. All lighting fixtures designed or placed so as to illuminate any portion of a site shall meet the following requirements:
      (1)    Fixture (luminaire):
         A.    The light source shall be completely concealed behind an opaque surface and recessed within an opaque housing and shall not be visible from or shine at eye level into any street right-of-way or adjoining properties. Overhead lighting fixtures shall be designed to prevent light from emitting upwards towards the sky.
         B.    Under canopy lighting fixtures should be completely recessed within the canopy.
      (2)    Fixture heights shall be as Listed in Table 1353.1
      (3)    Light source (lamp):
         A.    LED, florescent, metal halide or color corrected high-pressure sodium are preferred. The Municipality's Division of Building, Zoning and Housing or its Architectural Board of Review shall have the authority to approve other lamp types (including light emitting diodes (LEDs) and fiber optics) provided the color emitted is similar to the preferred types. Non-color corrected high pressure sodium lamps are prohibited.
         B.    The same light source type should be used for the same or similar types of lighting on any one site throughout any development.
      (4)    Glare: Lamps shall be directed, shaded, shielded, or otherwise located to minimize perceived glare on adjacent properties or streets. Accordingly, canopy lighting with refractive drop lenses, tilting fixtures, floodlights, and wall mounted nonhorizontal fixtures (commonly referred to as wall packs) are specifically prohibited.
      (5)    Controls: Outdoor Lighting for nonresidential business and multi-family residential properties shall have centralized lighting control systems utilizing time clocks, motion sensors, daylight harvesting controls, and other control system components to manage Outdoor Lighting system wide.
      (6)    Scope: Outdoor Lighting shall be designed to enhance public safety and security. Accordingly, comprehensive lighting designs are required for every building use type, except non-rental residential uses.
         A.    Adequate lighting at all parking locations, entrances, public walkways and other transitional pathways in overall lighting layout and luminaire selections shall be provided.
      (7)    Limit Lighting to Periods of Activity: The use of sensor technologies, timers, or other means to activate lighting during times when it will be needed may be required by the Municipality's Division of Building, Zoning and Housing to conserve energy, provide safety, and promote compatibility between different land uses.
      (8)    If existing exterior lighting fixtures are modified, extended, expanded, or added to, the altered portion shall comply with this chapter.
      (9)    Expansions, additions, or replacements to exterior lighting installations shall be designed to avoid harsh contrasts in color and/or lighting levels.
   (b)    Examples of Lighting Fixtures.
      (1)    The following images reflect acceptable and unacceptable light fixtures:
(Ord. 128-2022. Passed 10-25-22.)