(a) Authority. Upon written request of the Mayor or of Council, the Finance Director is authorized to certify funds for a blanket purchase order in an amount that does not exceed the amount that has been lawfully appropriated for the fiscal year for any single line item appropriation account designated for the purchase of supplies and any other specific expenditure that is a recurring and reasonably predicted operating expense for supplies, which may be issued to a specific vendor or multiple vendors. Blanket purchase orders may not be issued for the purchase of services unless approved by resolutions or ordinance of Council in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 5705.41(D)(3) and the City Charter, and shall only be issued for services from one particular vendor.
(b) Dollar Limits on Authority. Council hereby establishes that blanket purchase orders issued on the request of the Mayor may not exceed the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000) and that blanket purchase orders issued on the request of Council shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) unless higher amounts has been approved by resolution or ordinance of Council in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 5705.41(D)(3) and in accordance with City Charter Section VI-3(n) regarding competitive bidding.
(c) Period. A blanket purchase order shall not be issued for a period that extends beyond the end of the fiscal year. Any blanket purchase order may remain open past the end of the fiscal year for the purpose of paying prior year invoices. When all prior year invoices have been paid, the blanket purchase order shall be closed.
(Ord. 129-2020. Passed 12-22-20.)