(a) There is hereby created the position of Secretary to the Chief of Police, who shall perform the following duties as well as those prescribed by the Mayor and the Chief of Police. The Secretary to the Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Mayor upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police. The Secretary to the Chief of Police shall receive such compensation and benefits as provided in this chapter and the comprehensive wage ordinance of the City. The Secretary to the Chief of Police shall serve a probationary period of one year.
(b) The Secretary to the Chief of Police shall also serve as Deputy Clerk of Courts and Chief Dispatcher. The Secretary to the Chief of Police shall fill in as dispatcher when needed for breaks and on certain holidays.
(c) The Secretary to the Chief of Police shall perform the following duties: answers the telephone of the Chief of Police; types the correspondence for the Chief of Police and the Lieutenants; sorts, distributes and answers incoming Police Department mail; prepares copies of cases for court daily (includes juvenile and municipal court and grand jury); dockets all cases, parking and traffic tickets and posts dispositions and fines and forfeitures; handles court expungements; prepares court docket twice weekly and sends to court; prepares bond checks and bank deposits; prepares warrants to be entered into computer and removes executed and expired warrants; records court calendar for court appearances and gives subpoenas to officers; posts jail sentences for prisoners; types, posts and handles invoices; prepares bills for county prisoners, alarm board and mechanical amusement device permits; processes requests for photographs; orders gasoline and all supplies for the Police Department; sends required forms to proper agencies; prepares annual report of the Police Department to Council; posts general ledgers for all moneys receipted by the Police Department; schedules and fills out overtime sheets for the Dispatchers and School Guards; and updates dispatchers manual and Police Department roster.
(Ord. 87-90. Passed 7-3-90.)