The Clerk of Council is hereby authorized to add to the agenda for regular meetings an item to be designated as "Consent Agenda" in accordance with Section 121.11
, Order of Business.
The Clerk of Council shall place, in an appropriate order with proper letter designations the following types of business:
(a) Minutes of previous meetings not yet approved.
(b) Resolutions of condolence, congratulations, urging State or Federal action for or against issues, legislation or policies.
(c) Awards of contracts previously recommended by the Mayor, Department Heads or Clerk of Council and approved by Council.
(d) Proclamations by the Mayor.
(e) Legislation concerning easements, deeds, leases and agreements previously approved in principal.
(f) First reading of items that require action at more than one regular Council meeting i.e. legislation to amend the Zoning Code.
(g) Referrals of petitions, remonstrances, communications and proposed legislation to appropriate committees, boards or commissions.
(h) Ordinances and resolutions regarding the appropriations of funds, transfer of funds and adoption of budgets.
(i) Ordinances and resolution for approvals of subdivisions previously recommended by the Planning Commission and recommended by the Planning and Zoning Committee of Council.
The Clerk of Council shall also type upon the printed agenda for regular Council meetings the following explanation immediately preceding the listing of matters for the Consent Agenda:
“All matters listed under Item (f), Consent Agenda, are considered to be routine by the Council and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. Items of legislation will receive approval by motion to suspend the rules requiring two separate readings of legislation, wherever appropriate. There will be no separate discussion of these items when so adopted.
If discussion is desired by any councilman, the particular item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately by Council with full discussion.”
(Ord. 127-88. Passed 1-10-89.)