(a)   FHRB may act as conciliator in carryout the procedures set forth in this section or may employ any qualified person to serve as conciliator.
   (b)   If FHRB has made a determination pursuant to Section 749.08 that there are reasonable grounds to believe that an unlawful discriminatory housing practice has occurred, or at such other time after a complaint has been filed, as appropriate, the FHRB shall:
      (1)   Notify the complainant and respondent of the time, place, and date of the conciliation conference at least ten (10) days prior thereto, and both parties shall appear at the conciliation conference in person or by attorney; and
      (2)   Attempt to resolve the complaint by methods of conference, conciliation and persuasion with all interested parties and such representatives as the parties may choose to assist them. Conciliation conferences shall be informal, and nothing said or done during such conferences shall be made public unless the parties agree thereto in writing.
      (3)   The terms of conciliation agreed to by the parties shall be reduced to writing and incorporated into a consent agreement to be signed by the parties, subject to approval by FHRB:
A conciliation agreement negotiated by the FHRB may include, but is not limited to:
         A.   Sale, exchange, lease, rental, assignment, or sublease of real property to a person;
         B.   Extension to all persons of the full and equal enjoyment of the advantages, facilities, privileges and services of the respondent;
         C.   Reporting as to the manner of compliance;
         D.   Posting of notices in conspicuous places in the respondent’s place of business in a form prescribed by the court or the FHRB; and
         E.   Payment to the complainant of actual damages, including compensation for humiliation and embarrassment, and reasonable attorney fees.
      (4)   The terms of the conciliation agreement shall be made public, unless the complainant and the respondent agree otherwise and FHRB determines that disclosure is not required to further the purposes of this chapter.
   (c)   If the complaint has not been resolved by conciliation within sixty (60) days after it has been received, the FHRB shall refer the complaint to the Ohio Civil Rights Commission.
(Ord. 91-2006. Passed 11-14-06.)