(a) The City's jail facilities shall be made available to other governmental entities on an emergency and/or temporary basis for the housing of their prisoners at the discretion of the Chief of Police, or his designee, based upon the availability of prisoner space and the proper administration of the Division of Police, its jail facilities and its personnel.
(b) The Director of Public Safety shall establish a charge per prisoner, per day, and for the coverage/reimbursement of all related expenses through a schedule of charges for the use of the City jail facilities for the housing and care of prisoners of other government entities. For purposes of this section, the term “per day” means any fraction of a calendar day.
(c) The Chief of Police, or any administrative personnel of the Division of Police assigned by the Chief, shall keep an accurate record of the use made of the City's jail facilities by any other government entity and shall promptly advise the Director of Finance of the amount due therefor pursuant to the schedule of charges established by the Director of Public Safety.
(d) Upon receipt of notice of the use of the City jail and the amount to be charged, the Director of Finance shall promptly issue an invoice to the government entity using the jail facility. The funds received therefrom shall be deposited into the General Fund.
(Ord. 32-2007. Passed 4-10-07.)