(a)    Every public, private, parochial school, or other occupancy with an educational use group, and every institutional use group shall have an adequate fire alarm system monitored by an approved monitoring agency or by direct connection to the Municipal Alarm Monitoring System. Existing educational or institutional occupancies that do not currently comply shall have a time period of one year from the effective date of this section to comply.
   (b)    Fire drills shall be conducted in all educational occupancies in accordance with the requirements of the Ohio Fire Code. Records shall be maintained by the person in charge of the occupancy and a copy of such records shall be filed each year with the Bureau in June.
   (c)    Fire drills shall be conducted in all institutional occupancies in accordance with the Ohio Fire Code. Records shall be maintained by the person in charge of the occupancy and shall include date of the fire drill, time of the fire drill, location of the fire drill, total number of occupants evacuated, total time of the evacuation, and other information relevant to the drill. A copy of these records shall be filed with the Bureau each year in December.
   (d)    In all institutional occupancies, there shall be an attendant or attendants on the premises at all times the building is occupied. The number of attendants required shall be sufficient to perform the duties required under the evacuation plan approved by the Bureau. Attendants as required herein shall be at least eighteen years of age and capable of performing the duties required of evacuation. No person other than the management or an employee of the management shall be considered an attendant.
   (e)    All employees of an educational or institutional occupancy shall receive approved training for procedures in the event of a fire. The training shall include activation of the fire alarm system, evacuation of the building, and notifying the fire department. All new employees shall receive this training prior to beginning their first work shift.
(Ord. 43-97. Passed 5-27-97.)