1391.01 Definitions generally.
1391.02 Accessory structure.
1391.03 Appeal.
1391.04 Base flood.
1391.05 Base (100-year) flood elevation (BFE).
1391.06 Basement.
1391.07 Development.
1391.08 Enclosure below the lowest floor.
1391.09 Executive Order 11988 (floodplain management).
1391.10 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
1391.11 Fill.
1391.12 Flood or flooding.
1391.13 Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM).
1391.14 Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).
1391.15 Flood Insurance Risk Zones.
1391.16 Flood Insurance Study (FIS).
1391.17 Flood Protection Elevation.
1391.18 Floodway.
1391.19 Freeboard.
1391.20 Historic structure.
1391.21 Hydrologic and hydraulic engineering analysis.
1391.22 Letter of Map Change (LOMC).
1391.23 Lowest floor.
1391.24 Manufactured home.
1391.25 Manufactured home park.
1391.26 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
1391.27 New construction.
1391.28 Person.
1391.29 Recreational vehicle.
1391.30 Registered professional architect.
1391.31 Registered professional engineer.
1391.32 Registered professional surveyor.
1391.33 Special Flood Hazard Area.
1391.34 Start of construction.
1391.35 Structure.
1391.36 Substantial damage.
1391.37 Substantial improvement.
1391.38 Variance.
1391.39 Violation.
General Code definitions - see ADM. 101.02
Planning and zoning definitions - see P. & Z. Ch. 1123