(a) All interior walls, floors and ceilings of every structure used for business purposes shall be maintained free of holes, large cracks and any loose or deteriorated material, and shall have a sealing coating of paint, wallpaper or other substance located thereon, and maintained in a clean and proper condition.
(b) The floors of all toilet rooms shall have a cove base at all walls and partitions. Floor surfaces and cove base shall be of nonabsorbent materials with moisture-resistant joints, and shall be kept in a sanitary and clean condition.
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)
(a) Exterior Property Areas. No owner, agent or occupant of any premises shall maintain or permit to be maintained at or on the exterior property areas of such premises any condition which deteriorates or debases the appearance of the neighborhood, reduces property values in the neighborhood, creates a fire, safety or health hazard or which is a public nuisance, including, but not limited to, any of the following:
(1) Broken or dilapidated fences, walls or other structures;
(2) Improperly installed or maintained public sidewalks, walks, driveways and driveway aprons, which are in a defective condition in any of the following listed particulars:
A. Any block having multiple cracks or any single crack larger than one-half inch wide;
B. Adjoining sections of block, or a portion thereof, whose edges differ vertically by one inch or more;
C. Blocks having a transverse slope in excess of one inch per horizontal foot toward the street;
D. Blocks having a reverse slope that impound water to a depth of one-half inch or more; (Slope toward property. )
E. Blocks having depressions that impound water to a depth of one inch or more; or
F. Blocks having disintegrated or deteriorated areas.
It is further provided that every public sidewalk shall be concrete or stone slab.
(3) Out-of-use or nonusable appliances, dilapidated automobiles or automobile parts; or
(4) Rugs, rags or other materials hung on lines or in other places on such premises, which materials are not being used for general household or housekeeping purposes; broken, dilapidated or unusable furniture, mattresses or other household furnishings; plastic materials, paints, miscellaneous coverings and/or any other materials, including those described in this section, placed at or on the premises in such a manner as to be patently unsightly, grotesque or offensive to the senses.
(b) Exterior Property Areas. Interior property areas of all premises shall be kept free of any debris, object, material or condition which creates a health, accident or fire hazard.
(c) Parking Lots in Commercial Areas.
(1) Asphalt or concrete parking lots shall be kept in a safe condition, free from chuck holes, depressions or large cracks.
(2) If such parking lots are found to be in need of repair, the Building Commissioner shall cause a written certified notice to be sent to the owner of such property requiring resurfacing for all or any part thereof.
(3) The notice shall set forth the amount of time for compliance and shall be determined by the Commissioner considering the extent of repair, cost of repair and prevailing weather conditions, but in no event less than thirty days nor more than ninety days.
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)
(d) Concrete or Asphalt Driveway Aprons.
(1) Concrete or asphalt driveway aprons shall be kept in a safe condition, free from chuckholes, depressions or large cracks. Any such driveway aprons which are in need of repair or constitute a dangerous condition to the public using the same, shall be replaced with concrete.
(2) If such parking lots are found to be in need of repair, the Building Commissioner shall cause a written certified notice to be sent to the owner of such property requiring resurfacing for all or any part thereof.
(3) The notice shall set forth the amount of time for compliance and shall be determined by the Commissioner considering the extent of repair, cost of repair and prevailing weather conditions, but in no event less than thirty days nor more than ninety days.
(Ord. 66-83. Passed 6-14-83.)
(Ord. 66-83. Passed 6-14-83.)
(e) Parking Lot Maintenance.
(1) Parking lots shall be kept in a clean, sanitary condition, free from scrap paper and miscellaneous debris.
(2) Such containers as are required for debris shall be installed.
(3) Landscaping shall be kept in good condition and appearance, and grass, weeds and other growth kept to a minimum of six inches.
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)
(a) All plumbing fixtures and piping connected thereto in existing buildings, secondary and appurtenant structures shall be maintained in good condition to provide the necessary plumbing and sanitary facilities required.
(b) All plumbing fixtures shall be so designed and installed as to prevent contamination of the water supply system and shall be connected by means of a properly enclosed system to a public sanitary sewer.
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)
Every business structure and secondary or appurtenant structure shall be provided with approved electrical service, outlets and fixtures, which shall be installed and maintained so as to be free of any potential source of ignition of combustible material or any potential source of electrical hazard. Such facilities shall be approved as being adequate to supply the requirements of lighting, appliances and equipment of the structure concerned.
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)
All heating, ventilating and air conditioning facilities in existing buildings and secondary and appurtenant structures shall be maintained in good condition to provide reasonable comfort and convenience for the occupants, and such facilities shall be installed and maintained so as to be free from any potential source of fire hazard or danger to the health, welfare and safety of the occupants.
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)
(a) All signs, both exterior and interior, shall be maintained in a good state of repair, and shall pertain only to the identification of the occupant, merchandise, products or services on the premises.
(b) Whenever any structure or part thereof becomes vacant, the owner or agent shall cause all signs, which are visible from the exterior, and which no longer apply to the products or services offered on the premises, to be removed within thirty days and to restore the exterior appearance of the building to match the existing facade.
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)
Every business unit shall be provided with direct and approved means of access and egress to the outside of such business unit, without passing through any part of any other business unit. Every door which is used in connection with such means of access and egress shall be provided with a lock which can be opened from the inside without the use of a key.
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)
(a) Every occupant of a business unit shall dispose of all his rubbish in a clean and sanitary manner by placing it in approved receptacles, or in other approved rubbish disposal facilities.
(b) Every occupant of a business unit shall dispose of all his garbage and other organic waste, which might provide food for insects and rodents, In a clean and sanitary manner by placing it in approved nonleakable, nonabsorbent, covered, garbage storage receptacles, or in other approved garbage disposal facilities.
(c) Every occupant of a business unit shall make the necessary arrangements for the pickup and removal of rubbish and garbage so as not to overload the containers or receptacles.
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)