(a)    Whenever the owner, agent, occupant or operator of a structure or premises, or part thereof, fails, neglects or refuses to comply with any notice of the Building Commissioner, he or his authorized agent shall issue a notice to such owner, agent, occupant or operator ordering the structure or premises, or part thereof, to be vacated, repaired or demolished within such time as shall be stated in such notice, but which shall be not less than ten days, except in cases of emergency, or he may advise the Director of Law of the circumstances and request the Director to institute an appropriate action at law, to compel compliance, or both. Such notice shall be delivered, mailed or posted in the same manner as provided in Section 1372.03 .
   (b)    Whenever the owner, agent, operator or occupant of a structure or premises, or part thereof, fails, neglects or refuses to comply with a notice to vacate, repair or demolish any building or structure issued by the Commissioner, the Commissioner may enforce the orders of such notice and cause the structure or premises, or part thereof, to be vacated, repaired or demolished in accordance with the provisions of such notice.
   (c)    Whenever the owner, agent or operator of a structure, or part thereof, fails, neglects or refuses to comply with a notice to vacate, repair or demolish such structure, or a part thereof, or a secondary or appurtenant structure issued in accordance with the provisions of this Business Maintenance Code, and when such structure is determined by Council upon referral of the Commissioner to constitute a public nuisance in that it is dangerous or injurious to the public health, safety or welfare, Council may request the Director to institute legal proceedings or to take such other action as may be necessary to abate the nuisance. The Commissioner shall further give notice informing the owner, agent, occupant or operator of such determination and give notice informing the owner, agent, occupant or operator of such determination and action. Such notice shall be given in the same manner provided for other notices in Section 1372.03 .
(Ord. 78-79. Passed 9-11-79.)