Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be constructed and maintained in conformance with the following provisions and with the provisions of Chapter 1175 . In cases of conflict, the more restrictive provisions shall prevail.
   (a)    Parking Spaces. Off-street parking shall be provided as follows:
Facility or use
Spaces required
Independent living without
congregate dining
1 space per unit for resident plus .25 space per unit for guests and employees
Independent or assisted living
with congregate dining
.5 space per unit for resident plus .25 space per unit for guests plus 1 space for each week day shift employee
Nursing homes
.25 space per bed for guests plus 1 space for each week day shift employee
   (b)   Site Plan. The applicant may submit information which projects the parking demand for the proposed use. The City may approve a site plan which provides land for future construction of parking facilities which will comply with the above requirements, but may permit a lesser amount of parking to be constructed, provided that the balance of the required parking area is temporarily retained in landscaped open space. Prior to approval of the site plan, the applicant shall make a commitment to construct the additional parking at such time as the City determines that the parking is necessary for the operation of the use.
   (c)    Setbacks and Screening. Unenclosed parking and other paved areas shall be set back at least twenty-five (25) feet from a front, side or rear property line except that the side or rear setback may be reduced to fifteen (15) feet if screened by landscaping and/or fencing as approved by the City. The front parking setback area shall be landscaped as approved by the City.
   (d)    Interior Parking Lot Landscaping. A parking lot containing more than twenty (20) parking spaces shall include at least one interior planting island, at least 400 square feet in area, per twenty (20) parking spaces, which shall be landscaped as approved by the City.
   (e)    Loading. Loading facilities shall be provided and screened with fencing, walls or landscaping as approved by the City, except that no loading facility shall be located in the front yard and no loading facility shall be located closer than fifty (50) feet to any lot line.
(Ord. 16-99. Passed 5-11-99.)