As used in these Regulations:
(a) "Building setback line" means the line indicating the minimum horizontal distance between the street and line and building or any covered porch extending in front of the main foundation wall, not including steps.
(b) "Engineer" means the Municipal Engineer or other designated person or persons officially authorized to represent the Municipality.
(c) "Planning Commission" or "Commission" means the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Municipality.
(d) "Easement" means a grant by a property owner of the use, for a specific purpose or purposes, of a strip or parcel of land to the general public, a corporation or to a certain person or persons.
(e) "Lot," "sublot" and "inlot" means a piece or parcel of land abutting on a street whose area is sufficient to furnish an appropriate building site for the intended use in conformity with the requirements of the Zoning Code and those of these Regulations and which is shown on the final record plat.
(f) "Outlot" and "fractional lot" means a piece or parcel of land forming a part of the tract being withheld and not intended as an inlot but shown on the final record plat.
(g) "Master Plan" means the comprehensive plan or a part thereof as adopted by the Planning Commission, providing recommendations for the location and development of major streets, local streets, public parks, building sites and utilities and indicating other community objectives.
(h) "Street Plan or Thoroughfare Plan" means the official plan of highways, primary and secondary thoroughfares and parkways, designated as such on the Land Use Plan adopted by the Planning Commission, and including the proposed opening, widening or extension of any streets or roads which have been declared necessary by Council in the public interest.
(i) "Park and Playground Plan" means the official plan of parks, playgrounds or other open public grounds, designated as such on the Land Use Plan adopted by the Planning Commission.
(j) "Arterial street" means a public street which is primarily for moving fast or heavy traffic between large or intensively developed districts.
(k) "Collector street" means a street supplementary to and connecting arterial streets to local streets.
(l) "Local street" means a street primarily for access to abutting residential properties and to serve local needs.
(m) "Plat" means a map of a tract or parcel of land.
(n) "Subdivision" means:
(1) The division of any parcel of land shown as a unit or as contiguous units on the last preceding tax roll, into two or more parcels, sites or lots, any one of which is less than five acres, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership, provided, however, that the division or partition of land into parcels of more than five acres not involving any new streets or easements of access, and the sale or exchange of parcels between adjoining lot owners, where such sale or exchange does not create additional building sites, shall be exempted; or
(2) The improvement of one or more parcels of land for residential, commercial or industrial structures or groups of structures involving the division or allocation of land for the opening, widening or extension of any street or streets, except private streets serving industrial structures; the division or allocation of land as open spaces for common use by owners, occupants or leaseholders or as easements for the extension and maintenance of public sewer, water, storm drainage or other public facilities.
(o) "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
(p) "Subdivider" mean a person who has applied for approval of or has duly recorded a plat for the subdivision of a tract of land.
(q) "Mayor" means the Mayor of the Municipality as provided by the Charter.
(r) "Preliminary plan" means the preliminary drawings indicating the proposed layout of a subdivision to be submitted to the Commission for its approval.
(s) "Subdivision Regulations" or "these Regulations" means the ordinances codified herein as Title One
of this Part Eleven, Planning and Zoning Code.
(t) "Zoning Code" means those ordinances codified herein as Title Five
of Part Eleven, Planning and Zoning Code.
(Ord. 120-91. Passed 8-9-93.)