(a)    Placement of Refuse Containers. Collection shall be one day per week only at the curbside of dedicated public streets on the days designated by the Director of Service. Containers must be placed for collection at the curbside in the tree lawn area adjacent to the premises to be served on the day of collection designated for each such premises and each of such containers shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds in combined weight of container and contents. Containers shall not be stacked one on top of the other and shall not be placed upon any public curb, street, sidewalk, driveway or private yard or walk area, but shall be arranged in clusters extending not more than five (5) feet parallel to the curb in the tree lawn area and with access aisles extending on both sides of each cluster in the tree lawn area at least five (5) feet parallel to the curb of the dedicated public streets. On the day of garbage collection, animals which annoy, harass or threaten the collector must be confined.
   (b)    Refuse containers, waste or rubbish not placed in containers shall not be placed for collection in front of any building, by the owner, agent, lessee or occupant of that building, prior to 6:00 p.m. on the evening immediately preceding the day for refuse collection.
   (c)    Empty refuse containers are not permitted to remain in the front of any building by the owner, agent, lessee or occupant of that building for a period in excess of twelve (12) hours from the time of collection by the City.
   (d)    Refuse containers may not be stored along or in front of any building line which is parallel with any street line on which the building fronts, except after 6:00 p.m. on the evening immediately preceding the day for refuse collection and for twelve (12) hours immediately following refuse collection by the City or its agent. During the months of November through March, waste containers may be placed for collection after 4:00 p.m. in the evening immediately preceding the day for refuse collection.
   (e)    Rubbish, refuse or garbage not placed in containers shall be stored in the rear of the residence or in a location and manner where they cannot be seen from the street, where practical.
   (f)    No owner, operator, occupant of any property or any other responsible party shall violate subsections (a) through (e) of this section. If there is a violation, the violation shall be enforced as follows:
      (1)    The Building Inspector, Director of Public Service, Chief of Police or their authorized designees, are authorized to issue notices and citations to the owner, operator, occupant, of any property maintained in violation of this section, or to any other responsible party.
      (2)    The official shall personally deliver the notice of violation or post the notice of violation in a conspicuous location on the property. The notice shall state the time when the notice was issued and shall indicate the nature of the violation and that the violation must be corrected within twenty-four (24) hours after posting.
      (3)    No person who has been issued such a notice shall fail to comply with said notice.
      (4)    Whenever an owner, operator, occupant of any property or any other responsible party fails to comply with the notice within twenty-four (24) hours, the City is authorized to remove and dispose of the waste and/or empty waste containers. Waste containers will be forfeited. The property owner shall be charged a minimum charge of two-hundred and seventy-five dollars ($275.00). In addition to the two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275.00) minimum charge, an additional charge of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per man hour, (per man) will be charged until the waste, refuse or rubbish is removed from the property. The charges will also include any hauling or drive time per man hour required to remove the rubbish, litter or waste from the property. A bill will be posted in a conspicuous location on the property. Payment shall be made to the City of Richmond Heights within thirty (30) days of the date of the bill. Any bill that is not paid within 30 days shall be charged an additional seventy-five dollar ($75.00) administrative fee each month the bill goes unpaid until the bill is placed on the property taxes of the property owner as a tax lien for collection by the Director of Finance.
   (g)    Charges Constitute Lien. Where the full amount of the charges to the City provided in subsection (f)(4) herein is not paid by such owner within thirty days from the date of the completion of the removal, then such charges assessed against such property shall become a lien thereon and shall be collected in the same manner as other special assessments according to law.
   (h)    Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the authority of the Director of Law to undertake any action or to seek any other remedies or sanctions available.
(Ord. 103-2020. Passed 10-27-20.)