The boundaries of the respective election districts and precincts are set forth below and on the attached map of the county which is made a part hereof.
   (A)   Election District No. 1. Begin at the point where the Rappahannock River meets a private road north and west of the confluence of the Rappahannock River and Myrtle Swamp Stream; thence west, north, then west again along the private road to a point where the private road intersects VSH-655(Riverdale Road); thence north along VSH-655 (Riverdale Road) to a point where VSH-655 (Riverdale Road) intersects VSH-614 (Suggetts Point Road); thence west and north along VSH-614 (Suggetts Point Road) to a point where VSH-614 (Suggetts Point Road) intersects VSH-642 (Sharps Road); thence north along VSH-642 (Sharps Road) to a point where VSH-642 (Sharps Road) intersects Richardsons Creek; thence south and west along Richardsons Creek to a point where Richardsons Creek intersects VSH-614 (Beaver Dam Road); thence north and west along VSH-614 (Beaver Dam Road) to a point where VSH-614 (Beaver Dam Road) intersects VSH-614 (Folly Neck Road);  thence north and east along VSH-614 (Folly Neck Road) to a point where VSH-614 (Folly Neck Road) intersects VSH-708 (Cedar Point Road); thence north and west along VSH-708 (Cedar Point Road) to a point where VSH-708 (Cedar Point Road) intersects an unnumbered road (Big Bend Road); thence north along Big Bend Road to an unnamed tidal marsh; thence west through the main body of the tidal marsh to a point where the tidal marsh intersects Totuskey Creek; thence north along Totuskey Creek to the entrance of a tidal marsh on the west side of Totuskey Creek south of and adjacent to the public boat ramp on Totuskey Creek; thence west through the main body of the tidal marsh to a point where the tidal marsh intersects an unnumbered road (The Landing Drive); thence west and north along the unnumbered road (The Landing Drive) which becomes an unnamed logging road and continues to the intersection with VSH-630 (Wellfords Wharf Road); thence north along VSH-630 (Wellfords Wharf Road) to a point approximately 350 feet north of the intersection of VSH-630 (Wellfords Wharf Road) and the road to the Town of Warsaw sewage treatment plant; thence in a straight line across a field on a grid bearing of south 76 degrees 16 minutes west, 725 feet to the terminus of an unnamed intermittent tributary of Ball’s Creek; thence to a point where the unnamed intermittent tributary of Ball’s Creek intersects an unnamed private road; thence south and west along the unnamed private road to a point where the unnamed private road intersects VSH-632 (Islington Road) ; thence north along VSH-632 (Islington Road) to a point where VSH-632 (Islington Road) intersects an unnamed private road; thence west along the unnamed private road to a point where the unnamed private road intersects Jug’s Creek; thence north and east to a point where Jug’s Creek intersects the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw; thence east, then southeast, then north along the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw to a point where the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw intersects  US-360 (Richmond Road); thence immediately south, then west, then south, then north and west along the Richmond County Public Schools bus loop to a point where the Richmond County Public Schools bus loop intersects VSH-1022 (Walnut Street); thence west along VSH-1022 (Walnut Street) to a point where VSH-1022 (Walnut Street) intersects VSH-1021 (Maple Street); thence north along VSH-1021 (Maple Street) to a point where VSH-1021(Maple Street) intersects US-360 (Richmond Road); thence east along US-360 (Richmond Road) to a point where US-360 (Richmond Road) intersects the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw; thence generally north along the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw to a point where the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw intersects VSH-3 (History Land Highway); thence north and east along VSH-3 (History Land Highway) to a point where VSH-3 (History Land Highway) intersects VSH-667 (Sunnyside Lane); thence east and south along VSH-667 (Sunnyside Lane) to the end of state maintenance and continuing straight to a point where the continued path intersects Little Totuskey Creek; thence south along Little Totuskey Creek to a point where Little Totuskey Creek intersects VSH-3 (History Land Highway); thence east and south along VSH-3 (History Land Highway) to a point where VSH-3 (History Land Highway) intersects VSH-626 (Arnold Lane); thence east along VSH-626 (Arnold Lane) to a point where VSH-626 (Arnold Lane) intersects VSH-614 (Boswell Road); thence north and west along VSH-614 (Boswell Road) to the end of state maintenance and then continuing along a private road to a point where the private road intersects Totuskey Creek; thence north and east along Totuskey Creek to a point where Totuskey Creek intersects an unnamed private road; thence east and north along the unnamed private road to a point where the unnamed private road intersects a major electric power transmission line; thence south and east along the major electric power transmission line to a point where the major electric power transmission line intersects VSH-619 (Mulberry Road); thence south along VSH-619 (Mulberry Road) to a point where VSH-619 (Mulberry Road) intersects Totuskey Creek; thence east along Totuskey Creek to a point where Totuskey Creek intersects a major electric power transmission line; thence south and east along the major electric power transmission line to a point where the major electric power transmission line intersects Totuskey Creek; thence south and east along Totuskey Creek to a point where Totuskey Creek intersects VSH-612 (Oakland Road); thence south along VSH-612 (Oakland Road) to a point where VSH-612 (Oakland Road) intersects VSH-602 (Cedar Grove Road); thence west along VSH-602 (Cedar Grove Road) to a point where VSH-602 (Cedar Grove Road) intersects VSH-692 (North Farnham Church Road); thence west along VSH-692 (North Farnham Church Road) to a point where VSH-692 (North Farnham Church Road) intersects VSH-3 (History Land Highway); thence south and east along VSH-3 (History Land Highway) to a point where VSH-3 (History Land Highway) intersects VSH-608 (Farnham Creek Road); thence south and west along VSH-608 (Farnham Creek Road) to a point where VSH-608 (Farnham Creek Road) intersects VSH- 647 (Hales Point Road); thence south and west along VSH-647 (Hales Point Road) to a point where VSH-647 (Hales Point Road) intersects VSH-610 (Laurel Grove Road); thence north and west along VSH-610 (Laurel Grove Road) to a point where VSH-610 (Laurel Grove Road) intersects Farnham Creek; thence south and west along Farnham Creek to a point where Farnham Creek intersects VSH-641 (Husseys Creek Road); thence west along VSH-641 (Husseys Creek Road) to a point where VSH-641 (Husseys Creek Road) intersects VSH-642 (Sharps Road); thence south and west along VSH-642 (Sharps Road) to a point where VSH-642 (Sharps Road) intersects a private property boundary line located between 5602 Sharps Road and 5546 Sharps Road;  thence north and west along the private property boundary line to a point where the private property boundary line intersects Myrtle Swamp Stream; thence south along Myrtle Swamp Stream to a point where Myrtle Swamp Stream enters the Rappahannock River; thence north and west along the Rappahannock River to the beginning.
   (B)   Election District No. 2. Begin at a point where the boundary of Richmond County intersects VSH-621 (Tallent Town Road); thence south and west along VSH-621 (Tallent Town Road) to a point where VSH-621 (Tallent Town Road) intersects VSH-690 (Menokin Road); thence east and south along VSH-690 (Menokin Road) to a point where VSH-690 (Menokin Road) intersects the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw; thence west along the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw to a point where the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw intersects a point that is the continuation of the route of VSH-1020 (Ivy Lane) from the terminus of VSH-1020 (Ivy Lane); thence south and east along the continuation of the route of VSH-1020 (Ivy Lane) to the terminus of VSH-1020 (Ivy Lane); thence south and east along VSH-1020 (Ivy Lane) to a point where VSH-1020 (Ivy Lane) intersects VSH-1005 (Lakeside Drive); thence south along VSH-1005 (Lakeside Drive) to a point where VSH-1005 (Lakeside Drive) intersects VSH-1006 (Ridgeway Road); thence west along VSH-1006 (Ridgeway Road) to a point where VSH-1006 (Ridgeway Road) intersects VSH-1035 (Sunset Lane); thence south along VSH-1035 (Sunset Lane) to a point where VSH-1035 (Sunset Lane) terminates; thence south along the same route of VSH-1035 (Sunset Lane) to a point where the route intersects US-360 (Richmond Road) at a private drive approximately 100 feet west from  the intersection of US-360 (Richmond Road) and VSH-3 (Main Street); thence east along US-360 (Richmond Road) to a point where US-360 (Richmond Road) intersects the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw; thence generally north along the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw to a point where the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw intersects VSH-3 (History Land Highway); thence north and east along VSH-3(History Land Highway) to a point where VSH-3 (History Land Highway) intersects VSH-667 (Sunnyside Lane); thence east and south along VSH-667 (Sunnyside Lane) to the end of state maintenance and continuing straight to a point where the continued path intersects Little Totuskey Creek; thence south along Little Totuskey Creek to a point where Little Totuskey Creek intersects VSH-3 (History Land Highway); thence east and south along VSH-3 (History Land Highway) to a point where VSH-3 (History Land Highway) intersects VSH-626 (Arnold Lane); thence east along VSH-626 (Arnold Lane) to a point where VSH-626 (Arnold Lane) intersects VSH-614 (Boswell Road); thence north and west along VSH-614 (Boswell Road) to the end of state maintenance and then continuing along a private road to a point where the private road intersects Totuskey Creek; thence north and east along Totuskey Creek to a point where Totuskey Creek intersects an unnamed private road; thence east and north along the unnamed private road to a point where the unnamed private road intersects the terminus of VSH-658 (Murphys Place); thence from the terminus of VSH-658 (Murphys Place) north and east along VSH-658 (Murphys Place) to a point where VSH-658 (Murphys Place) intersects VSH-619 (Mulberry Road); thence north and east along VSH-619 (Mulberry Road) to a point where VSH-619 (Mulberry Road) intersects US-360 (Richmond Road); thence east along US-360 (Richmond Road) to a point where US-360 (Richmond Road) intersects the Richmond County boundary; thence west and north along the Richmond County boundary to the beginning.
   (C)   Election District No. 3. Begin at the point where US-360 (Richmond Road) meets the Rappahannock River; thence south and east along the Rappahannock River to a point where the Rappahannock River meets a private road; thence west, then north, then west again along the private road to a point where the private road intersects VSH-655 (Riverdale Road); thence north along VSH-655 (Riverdale Road) to a point where VSH-655 (Riverdale Road) intersects VSH-614 (Suggetts Point Road); thence west and north along VSH-614 (Suggetts Point Road) to a point where VSH-614 (Suggetts Point Road) intersects VSH-642 (Sharps Road); thence north along VSH-642 (Sharps Road) to a point where VSH-642 (Sharps Road) intersects Richardsons Creek; thence south and west along Richardsons Creek to a point where Richardsons Creek intersects VSH-614 (Beaver Dam Road); thence north and west along VSH-614 (Beaver Dam Road) to a point where VSH-614 (Beaver Dam Road) intersects VSH-614 (Folly Neck Road);  thence north and east along VSH-614 (Folly Neck Road) to a point where VSH-614 (Folly Neck Road) intersects VSH-708 (Cedar Point Road); thence north and west along VSH-708 (Cedar Point Road) to a point where VSH-708 (Cedar Point Road) intersects an unnumbered road (Big Bend Road); thence north along Big Bend Road to an unnamed tidal marsh; thence west through the main body of the tidal marsh to a point where the tidal marsh intersects Totuskey Creek; thence north along Totuskey Creek to the entrance of a tidal marsh on the west side of Totuskey Creek south of and adjacent to the public boat ramp on Totuskey Creek; thence west through the main body of the tidal marsh to a point where the tidal marsh intersects an unnumbered road (The Landing Drive); thence west and north along the unnumbered road (The Landing Drive) which becomes an unnamed logging road and continues to the intersection with VSH-630 (Wellfords Wharf Road); thence north along VSH-630 (Wellfords Wharf Road) to a point approximately 350 feet north of the intersection of VSH-630 (Wellfords Wharf Road) and the road to the Town of Warsaw sewage treatment plant; thence in a straight line across a field on a grid bearing of south 76 degrees 16 minutes west, 725 feet to the terminus of an unnamed intermittent tributary of Ball's Creek; thence to a point where the unnamed intermittent tributary of Ball's Creek intersects an unnamed private road; thence south and west along the unnamed private road to a point where the unnamed private road intersects VSH-632 (Islington Road); thence north along VSH-632 (Islington Road) to a point where VSH-632 (Islington Road) intersects an unnamed private road; thence west along the unnamed private road to a point where the unnamed private road intersects Jugs Creek; thence north and east to a point where Jug's Creek intersects the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw; thence east, then southeast, then north along the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw to a point where the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw intersects  US-360 (Richmond Road); thence immediately south, then west, then south, then north and west along the Richmond County Public Schools bus loop to a point where the Richmond County Public Schools bus loop intersects VSH-1022 (Walnut Street); thence west along VSH-1022 (Walnut Street) to a point where VSH-1022 (Walnut Street) intersects VSH-1021 (Maple Street); thence north along VSH-1021 (Maple Street) to a point where VSH-1021 (Maple Street) intersects US-360 (Richmond Road); thence west along US-360 (Richmond Road) to a point where US-360 (Richmond Road) intersects a private driveway approximately 100 feet west from the intersection of US-360 (Richmond Road) and VSH-3 (Main Street); thence north in a straight line from the entrance of the private driveway to the southern terminus of VSH-1035 (Sunset Lane); thence north along VSH-1035(Sunset Lane) to a point where VSH-1035 (Sunset Lane) intersects VSH-1006 (Ridgeway Road); thence east along VSH-1006 (Ridgeway Road) to a point where VSH-1006 (Ridgeway Road) intersects VSH-1005 (Lakeside Drive); thence north along VSH-1005 (Lakeside Drive) to a point where VSH-1005 (Lakeside Drive) intersects VSH-1020 (Ivy Avenue); thence west and north along VSH-1020 (Ivy Lane) to the terminus of VSH-1020 (Ivy Lane) and continuing along the same route of VSH-1020 (Ivy Lane) in a straight line to the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw; thence west along the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw to a point where the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw intersects US-360 (Richmond Road); thence west along US-360(Richmond Road) to the beginning.
   (D)   Election District No. 4. Begin at a point at the intersection of US-360 (Richmond Road) and VSH-619 (Mulberry Road); thence south along VSH-619 (Mulberry Road) to a point where VSH-619 (Mulberry Road) intersects VSH-658 (Murphys Place); thence south and west along VSH-658 (Murphys Place) to the end of State maintenance; thence from the end of state maintenance south and west along a private road to a point where the private road intersects a major electric power transmission line; thence south and east along the major electric power transmission line to a point where the major electric power transmission line intersects VSH-619 (Mulberry Road); thence south along VSH-619 (Mulberry Road) to a point where VSH-619 (Mulberry Road) intersects Totuskey Creek; thence east along Totuskey Creek to a point where Totuskey Creek intersects a major electric power transmission line; thence east and south along the major electric power transmission line to a point where the major electric power transmission line intersects Totuskey Creek; thence south and east along Totuskey Creek to a point where Totuskey Creek intersects VSH-612 (Oakland Road); thence south along VSH-612(Oakland Road) to a point where VSH-612 (Oakland Road) intersects VSH-602 (Cedar Grove Road); thence west along VSH-602 (Cedar Grove Road) to a point where VSH-602 (Cedar Grove Road) intersects VSH-692 (North Farnham Church Road); thence west along VSH-692 (North Farnham Church Road) to a point where VSH-692 (North Farnham Church Road) intersects VSH-3 (History Land Highway); thence southeast along VSH-3 (History Land Highway) to a point where VSH-3 (History Land Highway) intersects VSH-608 (Farnham Creek Road); thence south and west along VSH-608 (Farnham Creek Road) to a point where VSH-608 (Farnham Creek Road) intersects VSH-647 (Hales Point Road); thence south and west along VSH-647 (Hales Point Road) to a point where VSH-647 (Hales Point Road) intersects VSH-610 (Laurel Grove Road); thence north and west along VSH-610 (Laurel Grove Road) to a point where VSH-610 (Laurel Grove Road) intersects Farnham Creek; thence south and west along Farnham Creek to a point where Farnham Creek intersects VSH-641 (Husseys Creek Road); thence west along VSH-641 (Husseys Creek Road) to a point where VSH-641 (Husseys Creek Road) intersects VSH-642 (Sharps Road); thence south and west along VSH-642 (Sharps Road) to a point where VSH-642 (Sharps Road) intersects a private property boundary line located between 5602 Sharps Road and 5546 Sharps Road;  thence north and west along the private property boundary line to a point where the private property boundary line intersects Myrtle Swamp Stream; thence south along Myrtle Swamp Stream to a point where Myrtle Swamp Stream enters the Rappahannock River; thence south and east along the Rappahannock River to a point where the Rappahannock River intersects the Richmond County boundary; thence along the Richmond County boundary to a point where the Richmond County boundary intersects US-360 (Richmond Road); thence west along US-360 (Richmond Road) to the beginning.
   (E)   Election District No. 5. Begin at a point where the Rappahannock River intersects US-360 (Richmond Road); thence east and north along US-360 (Richmond Road) to a point where US-360 (Richmond Road) intersects the north and west corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw; thence along the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw north and east to a point where the corporate boundary of the Town of Warsaw intersects VSH-690 (Menokin Road); thence north and west along VSH-690 (Menokin Road) to a point where VSH-690 (Menokin Road) intersects VSH-621 (Tallent Town Road); thence north along VSH-621 (Tallent Town Road) to the Richmond County boundary; thence north and west along the Richmond County boundary to a point where the Richmond County boundary intersects the Rappahannock River; thence south and east along the Rappahannock River to the beginning.
(Ord. passed 11-14-2002; Ord. passed 4-25-2011)