When required by the agent, the subdivider shall submit prior to or at the time of submitting a preliminary plat, five prints or copies of the following.
   (A)   Vicinity map. The vicinity or location map may be in the form of an inset map and shall be made at an appropriate scale and shall show the relationship of the proposed subdivision to existing community facilities which serve or influence it, and shall include subdivision name and location, main roads and streets, schools, parks and playgrounds, scale, north arrow, and date.
   (B)   Sketch plan (optional). The sketch plan or general development plan designated as such and drawn at an appropriate scale shall show the general topography of the subdivision and in simple form the proposed layout of streets, lots, and other features in relation to existing topography.
   (C)   Preliminary plat.
      (1)   An application in writing for the tentative approval of subdivision shall be submitted to the agent together with five prints or copies of the preliminary plat having a horizontal scale of not more than 200 feet to the inch and prepared by a registered professional engineer, professional landscape architect, registered land surveyor, planner, architect, or other person having training or experience in subdivision planning or design and authorized to do business in the state, and clearly showing the following:
         (a)   Subdivision name and location and name of person or firm preparing the plat;
         (b)   The name and address of the record owner of the land proposed to be subdivided; the source of title with deed book references; and the owner or proprietor of the subdivision and the surveyor;
         (c)   The location and names of adjoining subdivisions or names of the owners of adjoining parcels of land, establishing the boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided;
         (d)   The location, width, and names of all existing or platted streets or public ways within or adjacent to the subdivision for a distance of at least 300 feet and the location, width, and names of all proposed streets, and location and width of proposed alleys within the proposed subdivision. Except for extension of existing streets, street names shall not duplicate nor closely resemble existing street names in the county;
         (e)   The location, width, and purpose of other rights-of-way and easements and the location of all setback lines, whether or not controlled by zoning regulations;
         (f)   The location of existing physical features to assist in identifying and studying the plat, including existing buildings, wooded areas, watercourses, wetlands, unusual soil conditions, areas subject to flooding, or any other significant natural or human-made physical features affecting the proposed subdivision. For waterfront property or property abutting a wetland, swamp, or marsh, the plat shall show the approximate high-water line, the edge of the wetland, swamp, or marsh as best it can be defined, the top of bank or bluff, toe of slope, and height of bank or bluff;
         (g)   The delineation of the resource protection area boundary, including the 100-foot buffer component;
         (h)   Notation of the requirement for pump-out and 100% reserve drainfield sites for on-site sewage treatment systems, when applicable;
         (i)   The location of proposed buildings, accessways, parking areas, and other site design features for multifamily, townhouse, condominium, or waterfront developments;
         (j)   The boundaries of all property to be dedicated for public use, and of all property to be reserved by covenant in deeds for the common use of the occupants of lots in the subdivision, or otherwise reserved with a statement of the purpose for which such covenant or reservation is made or such use is restricted or limited;
         (k)   General location of proposed docks, piers, water access, and water-related structures, shoreline stabilization structures, water depths, and shellfish beds;
         (l)   General indication of plans for drainage and utilities, including permanent flood control structures, retention basins, lagoons, and the like;
         (m)   The layout, lot lines, lot numbers, and block letters and approximate dimensions of proposed lots;
         (n)   The proposed use of the property to be subdivided and the zoning of same and the land adjacent to the tract; and
         (o)   Scale, north arrow (true meridian where practicable) and date. The agent may approve a modification of scale for a large subdivision.
      (2)   Whenever part of a tract is proposed for platting and it is intended to subdivide additional parts in the future, a sketch plan for the entire tract shall be submitted with the preliminary plat. This sketch is merely for informational purposes and is not binding on the subdivider or the agent.
      (3)   In accordance with the requirements of §§ 154.050 through 154.062, and where it is economically or technically practical to do so, the subdivider shall protect and preserve physical features such as large trees, natural growth, watercourses, scenic points, historic places, topsoil, and other similar community assets that will add attractiveness and value to the property if preserved. Such features to be protected and preserved shall be delineated on the preliminary plat and keyed to an appropriate brief statement of intent to be set forth thereon.
      (4)   Where the subdivision design is such that certain open spaces or other features are to be reserved for the common use of occupants or where private streets are proposed, the agent shall require, subject to approval by the County Attorney, that suitable measures be taken for permanent maintenance of such spaces, features, or streets, in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. Documentation of such measures shall be filed with the preliminary plat.
      (5)   Where applicable, the agent may require that the preliminary plat be accompanied by a letter from pertinent utility companies that the plat has been reviewed by it and containing comments on nature and location of existing and proposed utilities.
(Ord. passed 8-10-1989; Ord. passed 6-14-2012)  Penalty, see § 154.999