(A) All uses, activities, and development occurring within the Floodplain Districts shall be undertaken only upon the issuance of a special permit. Such development shall be undertaken only in strict compliance with the provisions of this chapter and with all other applicable codes and ordinances, such as the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (VA USBC). Prior to the issuance of any such permit, the Designated Enforcement Officer shall require all applications to include compliance with all applicable state and federal laws. Under no circumstances shall any use, activity, and/or development adversely affect the capacity of the channels or floodways of any watercourse, drainage ditch, or any other drainage facility or system.
(B) Prior to any proposed alteration or relocation of any channels or of any watercourse, stream, etc., within this municipality, approval shall be obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Marine Resources Commission, and certification from the Department of Environmental Quality may be necessary (a joint-permit application is available from any one of these three organizations). Further notification of the proposal shall be given to all affected adjacent municipalities. Copies of such notifications shall be provided to the Division of Soil and Water Conservation (Department of Conservation and Recreation), and the Federal Insurance Administration.
(C) All applications for development in the floodplain districts and all special permits issued for the floodplain shall incorporate the following information:
(1) For structures that have been elevated, the elevation of the lowest floor (including basement), or, in V zones, the lowest horizontal structural member.
(2) For structures that have been flood proofed (non-residential only), the elevation to which the structure has been flood proofed.
(3) The elevation of the base flood for the site.
(4) Topographic information showing existing and proposed ground elevations.
(Ord. passed - -20 ) Penalty, see § 151.99