(A)   The Board of Architectural Review, where it deems necessary in order to review a particular application, may require the submission of any or all of the following items: architectural plans, plot plans, landscaping plans, plans for off-street parking, plans for proposed signs, elevations of all portions of proposed additions to structures, photographs, elevations, or prospective drawings showing the proposed structure and existing structures that are within 100 feet or are substantially related to it visually or by reason of function, traffic generation or other characteristics.
   (B)   Should the Board of Architectural Review find that the material submitted is not adequate for the proper review of the proposal, the Board of Architectural Review shall promptly notify the applicant and state the specific information that will be required. In such cases, the applicant shall not-be deemed to have made a bona fide application to the Board of Architectural Review until the specific information is submitted.
(Ord. 04-02, passed 2-3-04)