§ 150.090 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ELECTRICAL. This pertains to the installation of wires and conduits for the purpose of transmitting electricity, and the installation of fixtures and equipment in connection therewith.
   ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. Any individual, partnership or corporation that engages in the business of or employs others for the construction, alteration or repair of any electrical wiring used for the purpose of furnishing heat, light or power.
   ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR. Any person certified by the Commission of Housing, Buildings and Construction who, for compensation, inspects the construction and installation of electrical conductors, fittings, devices and fixtures for light, heat or power service equipment to ascertain the compliance with the National Electrical Code adopted by the city and as incorporated in the Uniform State Building Code or the Standards of Safety of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
   ELECTRICIAN. Any person who is employed by an electrical contractor and is engaged in the construction, alteration or repair of any electrical wiring used for the purpose of furnishing heat, light or power.
   PERSON. Any individual, a partnership or a corporation.
(Ord. 90-26, passed 7-3-90)